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Everything posted by JoergFBernhard

  1. Sometimes it helps to check out people's profiles (coz sometimes they even divulge their location...).
  2. Thanks Wizcrafts, normally I don't have any problem with writing in English, just in this case it's about a machine literally in my neighborhood here in Germany, and like you said, almost all people involved in this discussion seem to be/ understand German. Thanks for kind understanding!
  3. Hallo, das ist eine sogenannte "Stobelmaschine", die Naht besteht nur aus einem Faden mit den die beiden Teile verbunden werden, also eine Überwendlichtnaht (hat den Nachteil dass die Naht relativ leicht aufgezogen werden kann). Damit werden Pelze genäht, oder auch in der Schuhfertigung die fertigen Schäfte mit einer Zwischensohle vernäht. Das Nähgut wird zwischen die zwei Scheiben eingeklemmt und kann bei Nähen (in Kurven zum Beispiel) gestaucht oder gestreckt werden. Wenn die Maschine funktioniert ist 20,- geschenkt...
  4. Chris, interesting idea! But no, you use your hands to manoeuvre the leather pieces and press the foot pedal to let the motor move the punching head up and down while the lower transport wheel in the plate moves the pieces forward, very much like a sewing machine. But nice comparison with the fairground organ, I think a similar system had been used for embroidery machines?
  5. That's right, I can see bags and all kind of strappy leather goods using perforation (bracelets, guitar straps)...also there are more punching tools to get a different look and design of the perforated ornaments.
  6. Haha, you need I make an appointment for you at that factory??!
  7. Hm, not easy to find, seems these are VERY RARE...haven't found ANYTHING on the web, no photo, not even the brandname... I just got lucky, bought this one for EUR 50,00 including all tools...
  8. Hi folks, I can't figure out how to upload a Video (of my new machine) here because the size of the file...any advice? Thanks a lot!
  9. Hi Matt, I finally hauled the iron beauty to my workshop...it is really in great condition and came with lots of punching tools. I only had to change the plug (sure, clean and oil a bit) and now it runs smoothly! Here some more pics, just I don't know how to upload a video because of the size of the file...
  10. Hi silverd, This is a Fenda, made by German company Rafflenbeul. Simple and almost indestructible, spare blades are still available here in Germany. But it seems the cover of the lower part is missing (compare with photo below). I found a "Rudo" which is Fenda's big brother, but haven't received it yet (so no experience yet). How much did you pay if I may ask? Even a used one in good condition is bloody expensive here...
  11. Hi, tonight I am going to pick up my leather perforator, a similar machine for same purpose, but from a different brand (Ideal). So far also I don't have experience with this one and looking for a manual...will let you know once I get some info!
  12. Yes, indeed there's still lots of good stuff. Around my place we once had literally hundreds of shoe factories, most of them closed down during the 60s- 70s, lots of machinery was exported or scrapped. But sometimes you still find some good ones that survived in some old factory building or basement...but this factory here is exceptional, complete machine park still there, you could start production right away.
  13. THIS is s stitching machine! This was used in production for the backseat on tall bootlegs of heavy military and riding boots. Pay attention on the direction of the rolling foot! Not sure if on this photo you can guess the actual size of this machine, but a normal patcher would look tiny next to it...
  14. Hi Matt, thanks for your reply! As far as I know this one doesn't need that kind of tape. And yes, this one seems in a very nice condition. The owner (an elder lady who ran the factory) told me it was still in use till they shut down their shoe production 10 years ago. Will keep you posted once it's here! There are still many machines there for sale, they basically locked the factory years ago and everything remained untouched till they started to sell few weeks ago...
  15. Haha, yes, and there's still lots of stuff around that was built for eternity. But shipping to US isn't easy and pretty expensive I guess.
  16. Here we go... I didn't use glue on this one.
  17. Hi Mark, it doesn't have a logo plate on it, but I assume it was made by Müller&Kurth, a German machine manufacturer. They also produced strap cutters like the one below.
  18. You're close.... it's a strap folding machine. It makes perfectly flat folded tubular straps. But you have to cut the correct width, split evenly, apply glue and insert into the tubular openings. By turning the handwheel the straps get processed and pressed/ folded. Lots of work upfront but phantastic results! Actually this device is quite tiny, the biggest strap (as you can see there are different sized tubes) is 8 mm in width after folding.
  19. Just wanted to share this one: Protons stitcher, exceptional 2 needle system, one from up, one from down below the stitching plate. Used for heavy footwear like military boot uppers. Up for sale minutes from my place. I don't have space anymore...
  20. Recently got this one, dirt cheap compared with the value... guess what that is?
  21. Hey Elvis, welcome! Where in Germany do you live and "craft"? Interesting stuff, keep posting!
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