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Everything posted by 338uwm

  1. Got an Email saying I had a message. Been looking all over the place for a message inbox. Havn't found one have I gone crazy or just not looking in the right place. Only other thing I can think of that might be the problem. Is I'm using an Iphone since my computer is dead at the house.
  2. I've found that useing a piece of a broom handle. With a good chunk of bees wax at the tip works great as a backer. I do this when stiching several layers together. A good sharp blade goes a long way as I learned that the hard way. Instuctions on how to make the backer. Things needed Part of an old broom handle bees wax, and bailing wire. I drill a small hole about the same size of the bailing wire half way through the broom handle cut off about 2 foot of wire. Insert in hole wrap around handle going towards tip set bees wax on tip I perfer a whole patty/cake. continue to wrap wire halfway up the wax and come back down towards where the wire started and trim excess wire off. If wanted wrap the area were the wire started and ended with electrical tape to precent scratchs or cuts from the the pointed end of the wire.
  3. I'm useing saddle skirting which is part of the reason it's so thick. It's for my Colt 1860's. I know that it's a little over kill, but it's what I want. With the the fillers the holsters will probly be an inch to an inch and a quarter thick. I didn't think about making my own chisels. Since I've got some real small key stock out back I'll give it a shot all else fails I'll be IMing you.
  4. I'm palning on making a holster that will end up being a little over an inch thick. The only chisels I've seen wouldn't go all the way through. Those being from Tandy, and I'm tring to stay away from Tandy as I feel there are better tools out there somewere.
  5. I'm wanting to dye some lace for a certain project going on. Just not sure if there is anything special I should. Besides how I dye everything else. Which is applyy oil dye with a soft cloth. After it dries apply resoline or leather balm with atoms wax. I'll be useing the lace on a holster in place of stiching useing a Mexican backetweave. Figured it's easier to ask than waste a lot of time.
  6. I've seen some airsoft be on the money then some just not quite there. If I was the one making it, and it was to be boned. I'd go ahead and get the blue gun. Regular plain jane like cowboy style should work fine. If you don't have a 92s it's a good excuse to buy one.
  7. Any certain cowboy action pistol you looking for? As I can ask around and trace what your wanting. Then try and figure out how the scaner thingy works and the upload dodad on the forum. Would volantier an outline of one of my Colt 1860s to be traced, but they are in anthor state getting tuned up. I have plenty of freinds with more pistols than you would beleave that would be more than glad to let me trace them. If your wanting to make a holster for SASS "coboy action shooting" There is a rule on the angle of the holster. No more than 30 degrees of angle. There is a couple of others that are just sliping my mind. Got to go to bed I'll try and figure out how to explain how I make my patterns for cowboy style pistol holsters. Whixh is close to the way Al Stohlman book shows how to. Oh yeah I cann't get spell check to work for nothing so excuse my mistakes please.
  8. 338uwm


    You might be able to use airsoft pistols. Most of them are the same size and details as the real thing. I'm not sure if they are cheaper than blue guns as I've seen them go for $27 all the way up to $600. Check out Ebay on the airsoft make sure they are not scaled down. Most of the m16 types are smaller
  9. I'm wanting to make some boots for Cowboy action. Since I cann't find the ones I want. I've got an idea on how to make them just need somthing get me tracking.
  10. One last question I hope. After mixing with neatsfoot oil will I have to apply resoline?
  11. You just made me rethink the way I was going make my holsters for my Colt 1860s. That laceing and color placement just sets that whole holster off. Out of curiosity what did you use for a liner, or did you dye the inside?
  12. Thanks for the input guys I'll order some of that oil dye, and try them on some scrap leather. All else fails I'll end up with a good collection of dyes, and other things. I'll be getting my old holsters out of storage aka my Dad's work shop. They are the color I'm looking for. So if I have no sucess. I'll post some pics of them. Thanks again Robert
  13. When you say an oil stain are you talking about an oil base dye, or an oil stain like you would use on wood?
  14. I just sent him an email through his site. I cann't wait to get hold of him and throw the tandy awls in the scrap bin.
  15. I've been tring to find something to dye some holsters with. As I've found ecoflo isn't going to work out very well. After looking at some holster catolages today I've noticed a color I like. It is called walnut oil. I'm not sure were to find it, or if it's just the color of a dye. To best describe the color it is a dark redish brown. The holsters I have will probably get wet at one time or another. Which is why I'm thinking that an oil will work better than a dye. I'm hopeing you guys can point me in the right direction. I've been trying my hand at leather work for the past 4 months, and have learned more in the past week than I have in the 4 months. All from readiing on this site.
  16. I've got a design that will need the opening reinforced. Best way I can explain the opening is that instead of just the top being open. I'll be bringing it down half way where the leather would be folded. Like on a cowboy style holster. I'm thinking about going to the local steel shop, and buying some thin stainless tig rods. What would you guys use, and where would you get it.
  17. Glad I found this thread. I've been trying to find a real awl blade. As I'm a newbe and have been useing an awl that I modified. Can anybody suggest a size for hand stiching. I do mainly holsters and small repairs on saddles, and simular gear for friends. I know I could probably tell them over the phone what I'm looking for. It's just somtimes I have a hard time explaining things over the phone.
  18. He can always durabake it. I did one of my ARs about 3 years ago, and it takes alot to scratch it. Sorry if this is a little of topic.
  19. Newbie Question on the ecoflow. I just started useing ecoflo dies on holsters also. What is the best thing to use as a sealer. As the holsters I've made will probably get wet, and do not feel like haveing black and tan blue jeans.
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