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  • Location
    Longmont, co
  • Interests
    Guitar, leather

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    Searching for a pancake knife template

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  1. dude!! that is exact perfect! he thought he wanted a more silver look until I showed him this. thank you!! i love this idea. I'm going to look into it. it will be great to add to my repertoire! thanks guys!!
  2. I'm making armor for a friend, and he wants it to last forever, and he does sword dueling, so it will see hard use. he likes how strong rivet and burr style rivets are, and we both think double cap rivets could pop out too easy, but he wants a dull iron/steel color, not copper or brass. does anything like this exist?
  3. awesome!! thnk you.
  4. I apologize, this made more sense as to where to post this than anywhere else I could think of, based on the audience. How does one choose a brand ? do people just dream up "rocking Y" or something, or do they mean something? if I wanted to start a ranch today, how would I get a brand and ensure nobody else already has it? sorry for this not being saddle related.
  5. me too, please
  6. Damn ! those are great ! Wow, I would have never even thought of ideas like that. very cool !
  7. Thanks everyone. I guess I've been overthinking it !
  8. I really like the belts I’ve been making, but they feel like stiff cardboard when I deliver them. I’ve been trying different methods of working them back and forth and oiling them, etc to get them to feel like soft, rich leather, to no avail. how are you guys doing it? thanks!
  9. WOW! that panel really classes it up. it looks expensive !
  10. damn! that braid is killer. the wallet is also perfect !
  11. that's really cool. it has a ton of complicated angles. did you design it as well? it looks like a lot of work !
  12. it looks really good. your makers mark is pretty sharp !
  13. WOW! I think it's awesome ! where do you get the laser engraving done ? it looks really great !
  14. thanks Bob and nrk. I have a couple of the Stohlman books, and maybe I've missed it, but it seemed random as to when they'd use one over the other. antiquing does make sense. thanks.
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