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  • Location
    Fy Valley Ga. U.S.A.
  • Interests
    Farm machinery seat repair . Machine shop and welding

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    I have a few sewing machines most walkinf foot machines I am having trouble with my Pfaff 145

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  1. Quit doing that it makes my head hurt .
  2. What did Floyd just say ? LOL
  3. I don't think the word grinding has a place in the discussion of fixing your hook .
  4. I do not have a degree in education ! so i did not feel comfortable trying to educate him LOL
  5. If this helps any when clicked on College sewing web site to look at the part . I discovered if you click on the photo of the part it enlarges .
  6. I was looking at C/l fri night and a man had just posted a light weight Singer sewing table for 30.00 . The add said sewing machine but the three photos only showed an empty table and motor with no machine . When i contacted him to inquire about the sewing machine he said it was under the table . Thinking he was unaware the photos he had posted did not have the machine i said i could not see it . As it turns out he thought the motor was the sewing machine . I offered him 20.00 since there was no sewing machine and he excepted . The motor was my only interest its a Family brand 550 watt brush type servo motor like brand new with extra brushes in the table drawer . Now for the observation i just got thru installing a Consew 1000 with speed reducer on my Phaff 145 and i really like with one exception . Turning the hand wheel you have to over come the magnetic impulses of the motor . And working backwards thru the reduction pulleys makes the impulses very noticeable . This new to me brush type turn smoothly with no impulses I am looking forward to installing it and seeing how it compares with regards to power
  7. Necessity is the mother of invention !!
  8. I would say it is always good to look for better ways to do things . I looked up triflow and it appears to be a good product but with an added cost . When you consider the age of some of the machines still in service and still going strong . With some being in production setting with just oil . It seem to me just good sewing machine oil has proven to have served the sewing industry well . Consider routine oiling as the most important factor ! Lets never forget any oil is better than no oil ..
  9. You can back the brake off or at least you can on all my clutch motors .
  10. I can under stand your concerns but my thoughts would wrap the paper around a pencil or around a dowel and just scuff the groove . I believe i would prefer that over something sticky on the belt .
  11. Could take a little course sand paper and scuff up the groove on the pulley ?
  12. Go with the servo motor you will never regret it . And adding the speed reducer makes things even better !!!!!!!!
  13. I have been reluctant to post this because I thought the solution would come to me . After last weeks tune up it sews good . The only thing that i am not happy with is it has to much presser on the feet . My machine has the adjusting screw coming down through the back foot bar . I have had it apart there is a flat coil spring on the outside and a spring on the inside with a rod that the adjustment screw engages compressing the inter spring . The outside spring is dominant and the thumb screw seems to have no effect on reducing presser . Should I be able to bring the presser to almost nothing or is what ever the outside coil spring produces the minimum ? Thanks for any incite on the issue Donny
  14. In the parts list part number 91-140-259-05 is the part that makes you feed dog move up and down . This is done by part number 11-108-225-15 / the whole assemble in box 91-010-126-92 . Loosing screws 11-108-225-15will allow you to change how high the dog comes up when stitches . I tried to download the parts list but its to big . I can email it to you if you can not find it . The parts are in section 3 page 22
  15. That is a good looking machine ! I see that you are in SWVA I have a place in Nickelsville Are you any where near there ?
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