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Everything posted by Arutemu

  1. Great bag! Love the tiger! Go 竹武合!!!
  2. Thanks! I think I found it: Littleton Cavalry Buckle: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Brass-Littleton-Cavalry-Belt-Buckle-Leather-Craft-Strap-Bag-Clasp-Buckle/164310522750?var=463922623718&hash=item2641ab9b7e:g:iVEAAOSwUhdfH~NM
  3. Hi all, I am trying to find this buckle, but have no idea what it is called. Any help would be appreciated!
  4. 很有意思!Awesome! If I had space, I'd get an antique leather sewing machine.
  5. Thanks. but strangely, when I go into my list of attachments, there is no 'tick' box for any of them. The list loads without any option for selecting and/or deleting files whatsoever.
  6. ” You have used all of the attachment space you are allowed per post. Manage Attachments to free up space That is what I see when i try to attach the image. However, when I go into My Attachments, I see a list of my images, but no option to remove/clear any. Any help appreciated here!
  7. About $35 + shipping. I still have most of it left after I made the knife. You can see the prices/sizes here: https://www.alphaknifesupply.com/shop/1084-carbon-steel My apologies, I don't know why the pic is not displaying...
  8. Not a leather piece per se... but still, leather-related Lately, in addition to leather work, I've been interested in metal - knife making and such. I have been wanting to buy myself a good round head knife, but was put off by prices - they go for anything from $40-$100. So, I decided to take a stab at it myself. Designed a template in Photoshop, ordered 1084 knife metal, and voila! I was rather proud of my first attempt. Still, I can do better next time. This was a learning experience.
  9. Thanks! Yes, the belt loop goes all the way down, so that the bottom rivet is holding 3 layers together. There's a second rivet on the inside, closer to the top edge, holding the inside of the loop and the back of the sheath together.
  10. Yep, there's a welt in there. Without it it would be a much faster job, but it makes for a much more reliable (and safer) hold. Unfortunately, I am yet to find a convenient and quick way of reliably punching through 3 layers of leather and being able to remove the chisel with ease.
  11. Thanks all! Yes, I like the way it came out too I am not sure what the weight is, I never weighed it. Obviously, when full of equipment, it is a hefty thing. Empty - not too bad for me. Mileage may vary. I use it on my photo drives, so I rarely have to carry it around, it is mostly in the car, packed full of photo equipment. Here's the link to the pattern, if anyone's tempted: https://www.etsy.com/listing/676778881/bag-pattern-pdf-download-leather-diy?ref=shop_home_active_22&pro=1
  12. Pretty happy with this one... Followed Tony's pattern religiously and came up with this. A lot of punching and stitching, but the results do not disappoint!
  13. A friend of mine made a hunting knife, but had no sheath for it. So I decided to try my hand, killing two birds with one stone - make a sheath for a friend and learn in the process. Since he had already used this knife on a deer hunt, I put a deer stamp along with his initials on it. I was pretty pleased with myself, considering this was a first. Youtube rules!
  14. Great-looking bag! I like the design and the distressed surface feel. Well done!
  15. My first post here, and my first serious project. Had no idea what to do, how to go about it, and more importantly - what I wanted. Not without mistakes, but I figured it all out in the process and learned. Ready for more
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