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Everything posted by gtwister09

  1. Not exactly... In 2004 they purchased 25% from another employee/shareholder. eBay and Craigslist are in a battle now since eBay used their shareholder knowledge to create their classified site, Kijiji. I worked with several people from San Francisco that worked with and knew Craig intimately. They relayed many aspects of the story in April and May of 2008. I looked for some confirmation online and here you go... See links below. eBay Stake in Craigslist Craigslist Fights Back Against eBay Regards, Ben
  2. If you don't want to spend the $$$ for Bob's tools then you might want to look at the ones he produced for Hidecrafters under the ProCrafters name. I just looked at their online catalog and it did not have "Discontinued" for either size of them. Therefore they may still have some or carry them. I would suggest calling them to find out. Regards, Ben
  3. Kate and Johanna Regards, Ben
  4. Brent, Ironic that I just read an article that came through TechRepublic about eBay complaints. I know it is a small consolation but you are not alone in your rant. Funny that I read Draconian a couple of times in the article as well. You and other readers may be interested in a UK site called TameBay that was created by a couple of eBay power sellers to help tame or curb the eBay animal. They have some interesting insights and thoughts on the future of eBay. Remember that each country has different implementaions of eBay so their accounts may not align exactly with the US side of eBay. Another interesting site for online merchants is AuctionBytes. Here is a great site that covers the online auction industry usually in depth PheeBay Online Auction News and Forums. I imagine that this site will give you lots of alternatives to eBay. I thought of places like ebid (not sure of it's success rate), Tazbar (another eBay wannabe), Tweebay (ebay wannabe on Twitter) or craigslist (free but more like classifieds). For that matter you could use google (old froogle) with adwords to drive them to your site. I would suggest doing a search on eBay alternatives through google, dogpile or such for an alternative if you don't find enough alternatives in PheeBay. Regards, Ben
  5. Dave, Check this Singer Industrial Site out. Singer Industrial Sewing Machine Manuals There are other places like Proleptic that carry them as well. Regards, Ben
  6. Versalaser is a good company. There are other companies that make them as well. Epilog is another manufacturer of laser engravers. They likewise have desktop and larger models. I have looked into other manufacturers as well. Universal, RedSail, Trotec, Laserpro and Gravograph are some other brands that carry these laser engravers. Here's the links. The only one that I would say would be iffy would be the RedSail models. After that you can perform your own cost benefit matrix to determine what best suits your needs. Epilog Website Universal Site Redsail Website RayJet Website LaserPro Website Gravograph Website Regards, Ben
  7. FYI... Steve and Ryan are also listed under the "Buckaroo Gear Makers, Craftsmen, & More" section. I haven't looked at the site for some time but it came up in a search for their names. Regards, Ben
  8. Allen, Actually I was thinking more of the paper wheel models for removed guards. I have two of the sanders like you have and yes you are correct...no guards. It's also funny and a little ironic that others come up with very similar solutions to a problem. A nice shiny bum may be a good thing... LOL Regards, Ben
  9. Allen, I have a couple of Henley's and love them. I also have a couple of Peter Main's Henley blades also and love them as well. Peter's blades are much better for lighter leather. For very fine work I have Bob Beards' smallest angled blade and absolutely love it as well. I have a few different ceramic blades but don't use them much. I have not tried one of Paul's blades but I understand that he has an adapter that allows it to fit your knife. I have heard really good reports on his knife and blades. Hope that helps... Regards, Ben
  10. Here's a possible site. Disk Manufacturer Regards, Ben
  11. Rar files are another form of compressed archive file but they are extremely effective at multipart archives. They have been used for a VERY long time to transfer rather large files in parts (you would see extension names like r01, r02 and so on). In fact they were one of the first to allow this feature. WinZip didn't support this archival method for quite some time. WinRar was also one of the first to support all the archive formats including UNIX flavors. WinZip once again followed suite after it was a WinRar standard. Likewise the spanning feature followed as well. These are great when you have a specific size limit then you could break them into parts and put them back together. For example lets say that you have a 1 GB file and you want to send it but you are limited to 100 MB size limit. Rar would allow you to break that into 10 parts that you could now send. Early on WinZip files could not handle anything but a single zip file. In response to this feature WinZip added a split feature. RAR also allows more native support for more formats now. You have to have external programs now for ARJ, ARC and LHA because they no longer support them. WinRar supports all of these formats. Another program that is freeware that supports these formats is 7Zip. Another great feature of WinRar is the addition of a buit-in repair feature within the archive file for when corruption may occur. You can set the percentage of repair information within each archive. A very handy feature. As far as double-clicking to access any program in Windows that is generally as simple as installation of a package such as WinZip, 7Zip, WinRar or any other. You can also do an association (if you have the correct program) in Windows Explorer as well. Windows does have some limited form of zip format built into the operating systems so you can open a zip file without WinZip being installed. If you wanted just one archival program that would support more formats then WinRar and 7Zip are better choices than WinZip. When you have to support any and all formats it certainly makes it easier to have a program that supports more formats. Regards, Ben
  12. Here you go...a quick scan. Regards, Ben
  13. tashabear is partially correct about the images. They are all 100dpi or less (even the downloaded ones). I just reviewed 30 -40 of the ones that I have and the range is from 72 -100 dpi. Some editing is required but I just used them as idea generators so I was not as disappointed. Regards, Ben
  14. Woohooo! That is great news!!!!!!
  15. Karl, I have seen several knife makers use these in place of spending money on a Bader unit. In fact several of the knife forums have a platen that you add to the belt sander side to further flatten the belt side out. My son used it for a knife kit that he made. Another attachment for them is the EZedge which assists with convex shapes like the Moran edge Direction of rotation is a BIG deal. In fact if any of you every used the paper wheel system for sharpening you will notice that they have you turn the grinder around so that it rotates away. Extra care has to be taken when we remove the guards..... Regards, Ben
  16. Clay, Not Troy but here's the web link... President's Saddle Regards, Ben
  17. Many of us have been fortunate enough to glean from Peter for years. Over the years as soon as a book or tool (modelers, knife blades, awls) came out from Peter I have snatched them up. Peter has been sharing in the iilg forum for many years. I have items/emails dating back to 1998 that Peter sent out. He was one of the main reasons for me joining the other forum. Marlon does make a great secretary for Peter...LOL...Just joking but really it is great that he sends them along with Peter's blessing. Regards, Ben
  18. Troy, The silver work looks really nice. Not sure that I would have picked an ostrich saddle either. Your President's saddle was certainly a nice saddle and it was saved years ago in a tickler file (pictures and all). Most of the West Bros. site was placed into a tickler file. Regards, Ben
  19. I agree with Bruce and Bob on the tools and such. Try them.... I was lucky enough once to catch an auction with 6 of Barry's mauls for about $10-11 each for the lot (Straight 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64 oz & 16 oz tapered). I also have an Al Stohlman rawhide one (not the greatest but it's ok), a couple of Bob's (Gave one to my Dad) and have a couple that we have made. I like the tapered one a lot for regular tooling. For geometrics, I made a 22 oz tapered that is a little more top heavy than Barry's 24 oz. I will concur that they are neutrally balanced. The 64 oz rarely sees any service. The 48 oz is used for large arch punches and strap cutters. Like some of the others I have more swivel knifes than you can shake a stick at. A Toolaholic - YES! I have Tandy's starters, a Tandy Pro, an Ol' Smoothie, a couple of Henleys, a couple of handmades, a Hackbarth and one of Barry's. I didn't spend the money on one of Bob's knives because the ones he had at shows were thicker than I liked. However I do have a couple of Bob's blades. Likewise I haven't tried the Leather Wrangler's knife/blade either. Make sure and test them and understand what your best length and diameter of knife would be. Here's a link to help with that. Swivel Knife Topic Bob's edgers that are "out of stock" have been that way for more than two years. I had aspirations of completing my Douglas set but to no avail. I bought one of Jeremiah's and one of Barry's and was testing them to see what set I would purchase. I also asked Bruce about this as well and he confirmed what I had already found out. I will most likely go with Barry for the edgers if I don't find some used ones of Bob's (I do have a possible find on a complete set so I will wait and see). Regards, Ben
  20. Here's some things that I shared in the past (pre-crash) on an ergonomic sit/stand bench and tooling racks. Mobile_Ergonomic_Sit_Stand_Workbench.pdf Additional_Details_and_Notes_for_the_Mobile_Ergonomic_Sit_Stand_Leather_Tooling_Workbench.pdf A_Modification_of_Verlane_and_Dale_Tool_Racks.pdf Regards, Ben Mobile_Ergonomic_Sit_Stand_Workbench.pdf Additional_Details_and_Notes_for_the_Mobile_Ergonomic_Sit_Stand_Leather_Tooling_Workbench.pdf A_Modification_of_Verlane_and_Dale_Tool_Racks.pdf
  21. Wayne's address & phone number below. Contact him for a catalog. Wayne Jueschke Box 1895 Elko, Nevada 89803 775-738-4885 Regards, Ben
  22. Bruce, The memorial is great! Understandable about the misty eyed cowboy. I do think that the black one will stand out in a crowd. Your right I have seen lots of pockets and hoot pick, knife holders and rosin bags on the straps even. I think that I like the CL can of the natural colors the best of this bunch. I like the cutout over the hair on as well as the difference with the tooling and spots around the outside edges. Have a Merry Christmas! Regards, Ben
  23. The eBay plans are directly from a google Book on making Farm Woodwork by Louis Michael Roehl from the turn of the century. That is a nice harness maker's stitching horse. I love the Curly Maple. What is the contrasting wood for the plugs? Regards, Ben
  24. VERY Nice Indian Larry logo and inlay! Regards, Ben
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