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Posts posted by PastorBob

  1. 9 minutes ago, MtlBiker said:

    An update:  I just received the replacement round knife and extension clicker handle from George Barnsley & Sons.  Perfectly (safely) packaged and it couldn't have been better.  And the surprise is that the round kinfe has been sharpened... razor's edge!  It is way way sharper than the first knife and if I can learn how to sharpen this well, I'll be very happy.

    Bottom line... Excellent service and product from George Barnsley & Sons.


    YAY!  Love a happy ending!

  2. 31 minutes ago, AndyL1 said:

    Thank for the reply! What I'm left with is basically the shoulder size panel. It's thick stuff so not suited for what you've listed. I cut a bunch of it for coasters but I have SOOO much it's kind of a burden. lol It's Wicket & Craig bridle leather (good stuff!)

    If your leather products are priced to include the scraps, you could make dog / cat collars and sell them for cheap, donating the extra cash to an animal shelter.  Charge enough to cover the hardware and a little for your time, plus whatever you want to donate.  You could also make (along the same lines with donations) some of the cancer ribbons...I am thinking ones that are 6-8 inches tall.

  3. On 9/24/2021 at 5:28 PM, tsunkasapa said:

    I haven't used it, or any OTHER of the plastic "finishes" in decades. I only put NFO on my projects. In my opinion, NOTHING ELSE IS NEEDED!!!!

    i, personally, would AVOID it at all cost! Your MMV.

    I normally just use NFO, but have a project that is laser etched. When i rub in NFO it has a tendency to smear char.  AND, I have a whole quart of super shene to work through anyways.

  4. I purchased a quart bottle of Super Sheen (water based) some time back, thinking I would be using mainly eco-flo (water based) dyes.  I have since changed direction and am using primarily Feibing's pro dye.  My question is, will the water based Super Sheen be an acceptable top coat for the alcohol based dye?  Has anyone tried it?  If it's a no-go, I can purchase resolene...just didn't want to have to if not necessary.  Thanks!

  5. Beautiful work.  Always fun jumping on here and seeing talents and abilities put to work.  Any daughter would be proud of that fine piece of craftsmanship, 'specially since its from Dad. I am sure there will be even more conversations regarding your work between the two of you.  Thanks for sharing!

  6. Just now, Danne said:

    I have a couple of questions.

    How does the flesh side of your leather look? is it very "furry"?

    How do you apply contact cement? a thin layer on both pieces and let it dry until tacky?

    If you don't flush cut your edge and sand it, do you instantly start to sand after glue? and what direction do you sand along the edge or across the edge?

    Do you hammer down or press the edges after gluing together?

    pics please

  7. 52 minutes ago, Jenn64 said:

    Wow Silverd thank you so much for your detailed reply, I haven't checked in for a month or more, hence late acknowledgment

    I've never heard of Goof Proof, just looked that up & can't seem to access it in Australia, maybe why I'm oblivious to it, but if I could get my hands on it without paying exorbitant international freight expenses I'd grab some in a flash...but don't like my chances!

    Yeah I'll be steering clear of the wet dying unless as mentioned the leather is extra dry or maybe I won't even do that as I find smearing a little neatsfoot also tends to rememdy that problem...nice to know if I run short of neatsfoot I can fall back on saddle oil.

    Yeah I love my air brush too, it just offers so much more control, I recently made a "facehugger" mask using the same technique for edges, turned out great, I may have a pic of or two of that! Thanks for colour tips too much appreciated.

    Yep you definitely helped!


    PS Check out the pics...excuse the different colour outcomes between both pics, one is under lights the other in daylight.

    Facehugger .jpg

    Facehugger 2.jpg

    Nice work.  Very clean, and I like the dye job on it.  

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