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About ddiuni

  • Birthday 10/04/1972

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    South Korea
  • Interests
    sewing machine

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Hobbies: Leather sewing (45k56, 91k5, 316g in use)
  • Interested in learning about
    sewing machine

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  1. I checked and it's private. So I applied for membership but they didn't accept it. In the end, it doesn't show up at all.
  2. Thank you for the link address with good information. Originally, Singer 107w102 can stitch up to 12mm. However, when I watch videos uploaded by other people on YouTube, they modified this sewing machine to allow stitch spacing from 12mm to 16mm. So I looked closely at the movement of the hook and needle. Currently, the needle moves at 15mm intervals left and right, but when the needle is at the left end, the hook cannot thread. (Currently, my sewing machine can only do up to 10mm.)
  3. singer 107w102 stitch spacing adjustment question Singer 107w102 Stitch Interval Adjustment Inquiry I wonder how I can adjust the stitch interval of singer 107w102. Singer 107w102 Do I need to adjust the hook to make the stitch interval more than 14mm on the sewing machine? I reviewed the sewing machine in detail and it seems that the hook needs to be scraped off with a grinder. I am asking if this is the right way to do it. If the stitch interval is more than 14mm, the thread does not get caught.. (The needle does not get caught when the hook tip passes.) - This is when the needle is at the left end. Right end of the needle: The thread is caught well When the needle is in the middle (center): The thread is caught well When the needle is at the left end: The thread is not caught -> Reason: The hook tip passes through the needle eye and the thread is not caught. -> So in order to make the hook tip hook when the needle is at the left end, the hook tip needs to be moved more counterclockwise -> So the hook is turned more counterclockwise -> At this time, when the needle is at the right end : When the needle goes up, it hits the hook surface (the thread is caught well at the hook tip when the needle is at the left end) -> However, since the needle tip and the hook surface hit each other as above, it doesn't work. So should I grind down the hook surface with a grinder? I wonder if you adjusted the touch gap by doing the above. Based on what I've seen, it seems like you need to grind down the hook surface. Is that right?
  4. Hello. I purchased a Singer sewing embroidery machine 107w102 and am testing it. If there is anyone who can help me solve the problem while using it, please let me know. When using it with a wide stitch spacing, Problem 1: Thread breaking Problem 2: When the upper thread comes up from the bobbin on the hook side, it feels like it is caught. And it doesn't come out right away, so the thread is tight and it seems like the thread is breaking. What do you think is the cause? Is it because the thread is tightly squeezed in the plate on the tension assembly side and can't come out well? Problem 3: This problem also occurs when the embroidery width is set to the maximum. If you know how to solve it, please tell me in detail.
  5. thank you I bought it from AliExpress, cut the edges, reduced the inner diameter, and installed it. Also, the groove was not in the right position, so I used a drill to widen the groove a little and installed the needle set screw. I'm glad I was able to solve this problem without any parts.
  6. Esther B, are you good at controlling your touch? If you tighten it with the thumb screw, does it stay locked? After tightening it with a thumb screw, I just rotate the pulley and it turns. If the stitch spacing of the Regulating Handle is set to 5 or 6, the touch control button will be fixed without moving. however Symptoms include: From stitch number 8 to 25, it just quickly returns to the 25th stitch as if the elasticity decreases. (When the spring is pulled, it returns to the 25th position with some elasticity, like returning to the original length.) So, it is controlled with the thumb screw of the regulating handle. When I set the stitch to position 12 and turn it with a thumb screw to secure it, it doesn't seem to be fully fixed. So, when I rotate the sewing machine's pulley, the Regulating Handle is not fixed and the problem occurs that the stitch interval moves toward the longer side. So I loosened the thumb screw, I confirmed that the inner diameter of the circular ring inserted into the thumb screw was large and moved back and forth. So it seemed like it couldn't be fixed accurately. So, I replaced the circular ring with a coin-sized circular ring and fixed it. When fixing it, I turned it with a screwdriver and tightened it tightly. (Originally, the thumb screw of the 172k sewing machine did not have a straight slot for the driver. However, a slot has been created. Perhaps the Regulating Handle was not fixed well at some point and the existing user created a straight groove. ) In short Problem 1. Regulating Handle #106046 Parts cannot be adjusted. -> Existing user solution: Make a straight groove in the handle and fix it. Problems occur even after doing the above Problem 2. A problem occurs where the inner diameter of the circular ring inserted into the groove of the screw (#ss714 part thumb screw) of the regulating handle does not match the thread groove of the thumb screw. - So, when turning the Regulating Handle, a problem occurs where the circular ring inserted into the thumb screw is not centered and is shifted to one side -> As a result, a problem occurs where the Regulating Handle cannot be fixed. -> Problem 2 solution: Change the circular ring to the size of a coin. -> Result after changing the circular loop: First, it is properly fixed and sewn at the desired stitch interval. # There may be cases where it doesn't work again in the future, but we will wait and see. Same thing, what about the 172k1 you have? Is it well controlled? I'd like to hear your opinion.
  7. Could you please tell me the diameter and length of the handle screw on the stitch adjustment handle? regulating handle thumb screw #ss714
  8. Is the stitch length easily adjustable? What I have is that if you set it to 10, it automatically moves to 12 after a while. It seems that the stitch lock is not working properly. What kind of sewing machine do you have? Is there a solution?
  9. Are you using a singer 172k sewing machine?
  10. Could you take some pictures of the parts and post them? needle bar thread guide #parts 106059 Please take a picture of this part and post it. from different directions. I don't have this part.
  11. Does anyone have a singer sewing machine 172k parts manual and user manual?
  12. hello. Can you send me the parts manual?
  13. hello. Could you send me the parts manual if you have one? Or could you please post it here.
  14. hello. Can you send me the manual by e-mail?
  15. 이 재봉틀은 천에 실을 끼우려면 "FEED ROLL"을 앞으로 당겨야 합니다. 그래서 이 부분은 무릎 리프터와 연결됩니다. 저는 이 부분이 없습니다. 가지고 계신 분 계시면 사진 올려주세요. 이 부분을 얻고 싶습니다.
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