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About tomt

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  • Birthday 07/25/1962

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  • Location
    winchester, ohio

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    any and all
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  1. Yea I got one of these letters to I think this is bs to
  2. those are some really good looking knifes and the best thing about it that you made them your self
  3. tinker tailor thanks for response the books I have is basic technics of leather craft the other book I have is in japaness and I don't know how to read 25b thanks for the answer I was looking at the billfolds and have not seen the pockets cut but I look quick I will look again to see I can fine them thank you guys
  4. I would like to know if the pattern in the leather working books are to size thank you
  5. I would like to have a pattern also please send to reginahall62@yahoo.com. Thanks
  6. you could take a wood block and make it the size as the lighter to make a pattern with
  7. I used a piece of lewon board to make a pattern once just sand it real good and you can drill holes in it and what ever else you need hope this make since
  8. Thank you for response and i will probably be ordering in the near future thank you again
  9. did you have any problem in ordering these off his web page and did it take a long time in getting them I was just wondering because I was interested in trying to order one but got cold feet when I saw some bad reviews when some could keep in touch with him thank you
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