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About AlZilla

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  • Location
    At A Workbench Somewhere
  • Interests
    Sometimes make me a "Person of Interest" ...

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Specialization Is For Insects
  • Interested in learning about
    Utility pieces
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Looked Under A Fallen Tree

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  1. Oh, yeah, they could hang on the belt and drop into the pocket. Another great idea!
  2. Yeah, I ordered the narrowest ones I could find. Should be fun.
  3. Interesting. Someone on here mentioned a clip-on pocket sheath for non-clip knives a few days ago. I ordered some clips and I'm going to play with that idea.
  4. Nice! So, about $400US. That's more like it! You're going to enjoy having heavy sewing capacity.
  5. Or, let it sit a few days and see if it dries back out. Maybe in the sunshine. Edit: thinking about this, I wonder if there's something in the leather that your efforts brought to the surface? Can cigarette smoke accumulate over a number of years? I can tell you for sure, it accumulates all over ancient domestic sewing machines. And I seem to recall threads on another forum about gun holsters that were hell to clean up.
  6. If it's not running, it's just a pile of parts with a broken table. I wouldn't give a hundred US for it. That probably seems harsh but the only thing you know you have is what you can see with your own eyes.
  7. How about this one, 180 watt: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176452435645 Or this 250 watt: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/333634374457 If you're mechanically inclined at all, I'd think you could engineer a little pulley reduction setup to increase torque even more without too much expense. Like so:
  8. I think it got a smudge just from me looking at the picture ... Nice work!
  9. This forum can be like a PHD in sewingmachineology. I bet it's not the first time you've posted this but it's the first time I've seen it. So, thank you for it.
  10. I don't see anything wrong with cleaning it and brightening it up. Museums do it to priceless oil paintings. It wouldn't change the actual work you did. Besides, water stains and grime aren't really historical artifacts.
  11. Looks like you've got a steady hand with the straight lines and clean corners. I think I want to see a wriggle on the plain lighter case on the right side towards the bottom. But it actually follows the edge. Nice work.
  12. Another vote for "wow.
  13. If I'm understanding what you want, it's a 6 strand braid. Here are links for a round and a flat. Plenty of utube videos, too. Maybe I misunderstand and you want something more complicated? https://www.instructables.com/6-Strand-Round-Braid/ https://www.instructables.com/Six-Strand-Flat-Braid/
  14. You can get craft foam at most places that carry craft supplies. I get it in copy paper sized sheets, about an eighth inch thick. It's great for prototyping. Better than paper and dirt cheap.
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