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About colttrainer

  • Birthday 06/16/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lamont, Ab.
  • Interests
    Leather working, ranch roping, training bridle horses, farming with draft horses, wood working, fishing & hunting.

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  • Interested in learning about
    saddle building, Braiding
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    web surfing

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  1. Don't know what you paid but that is one sweet looking patcher.
  2. with what you listed for a black order, I would order a side of black. The price of the breast colar is more than enough to pay for a side, the rest of the order is profit. what ever you have left over from the side can be used to further the bank account. Al
  3. 21 is the top end for needle on that size thread. try and use as small a needle as you can.
  4. talked with him on the 26th, trouble with my bevelers for last 18 months figured it was me till I used some other king bevelers told me to send them back and he would get them repaired or replaced.
  5. Why should a person be quiet, if they are not getting service why not let others know. That is what keeps business honest.
  6. colttrainer


    Looking for a pantograph milling machine. If you know of somebody looking to get rid of 1 send me pm, with the details. Thanks
  7. Looking for the overall length of figure 8 hobbles. Thanks
  8. nice job on your first. A point about your tunnel ground seat risers, I normally stop mine about an inch in front of the cantle points,this will help you to start placing the rider in a proper riding position and closer to the horse.
  9. made mine using 3/4" plexi glass. Works like a charm.
  10. We have tapes from the first run and dvds from the first run, that were sent to us when he released them saddle was 5 & carving was 3. So I will asume that some where in there they changed the format some.
  11. HDA Probably a over site on your part, but the saddle set is 5 dvds, the carving set is a 3 disc set.
  12. What, nobody going to come right out and say it. THERE IS NO SUCH AS A STUPID QUESTION, ONLY STUPID ANSWERS. There it has been said.
  13. Web site is campbell-randall.com. check the rebuilt machines, check with Dan when you call.
  14. Yes. Weavers, Randall may have a rebuilt one.
  15. You can check with the taxidermy supply houses, they usally have something for doing bear rugs.
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