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  1. Dragging this back out for compliments and questions... Beautiful work! (everything I've seen of yours is!) Any pictures of the back and where did you get the logo stamp?
  2. I bought the book a couple of months ago because I was looking for a good drawing of the Meanea flower on the cover. I need to get poking around in there!! That half-circle mexican loop on p144 is awesome! Now, your remake... Very well done! Love the burr rivets! Very well done, indeed!
  3. That is marvelous. I have always disliked the way the pancakes look on the belt. This is simply ingenious. Gobsmacked am I.
  4. That is one handsome feller!
  5. +1 on the video! I remember that, in my research, the reason for the two arcs and the compass point 'P' is to make the wrist and forearm ends come out parallel to each other. It may matter to you, or not. I will say the tab they drew on the pattern is at the 'wrong' end in my opinion. I would think it ought to go at the wrist end so you can leave the wide part laced up and snap/unsnap the wrist end to fit it over your hand.
  6. I'm thinking RVM45 is seeing who will take the bait... being overly dramatic due to of boredom. I bet he'll spend time in traffic, now, giggling at the thought of turn signals...
  7. Run the leather upright through the jaws. That way the jaws are holding onto a shorter bit of the curve. This pony's clamp-face is almost square, mine is 3 inches long but only has an inch tall surface. If you run the strap vertically, or at an angle, you can glue the straps together as both Dwight: and TomE did... And the pony wouldn't (shouldn't?) put undue pressure to push the strap flat again. At least, I think that is what TomE was getting at... I am stealing Dwight's method for my next gunbelt. I'm happy as a clam to find him still here after all this time! I last poked around here about 5-7 years ago; I'm not good with the passage of years.
  8. If you have Molle 'holes?' on your pack, you could cut corresponding holes and weave the straps in and out, like it was meant to be that way... It looks kind of like a nata blade (to me). Love the sheath, no clunky in there at all!
  9. https://cowboyfastdraw.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/CFDA_Rulebook_12thEdition-Final_web.pdf Page 13 has the rules in exhausting detail.
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