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CB4500 completely infuriating dropped stitch problem

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I have been happily sewing on my CB500 for several months now until I needed to tackle a new application; sewing a 5 point star pattern. Every 'external' pivot drops the stitch. 'internal' pivots are never dropped. I've spent many, many hours now trying every conceivable tension adjustment/thread/needle combination I can, to no avail. Can someone please explain to me what it is about the difference between the 'internal' and 'external' pivots causing this? Maybe if I understand this I can resolve it. See pic for clarification.


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Try delaying your turn/pivot until the needle has risen about 1/4" or more so the hook has caught the top thread.  Pivoting before the hook has caught the thread turns the loop away from the hook.  Your internal pivots turn the loop towards the hook, external turns the loop away from the hook resulting in dropped stitch.

  On 11/25/2022 at 3:27 PM, voidsurfer said:

Maybe if I understand this I can resolve it.


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North Tom,

You just solved a problem for me, thank  you. 

God bless

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Thank you SO much. I was actually doing the exact opposite of this and it’s the one thing I never thought to vary. I just sewed a perfect star.

Operator error - unsurprising :).

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  On 11/25/2022 at 3:58 PM, Northmount said:

Try delaying your turn/pivot until the needle has risen about 1/4" or more so the hook has caught the top thread.  Pivoting before the hook has caught the thread turns the loop away from the hook.  Your internal pivots turn the loop towards the hook, external turns the loop away from the hook resulting in dropped stitch.


Wish there was a LIKE button here!


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