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Howdy Ya'll up North where it's already snowing and such. Guess what? Just read the weather forcast and it's gonna be 90 degrees on Wednesday down here in South Texas.

It's almost Thanksgiving and I'm runnin' around in my friggin flipflops and wife beater. Oh yeah, I BBQ'd last night and sat out on the porch until late into the evening listening to the crickets. heh heh heh.... I bet most of ya'll sat huddled around the fireplace listening to the wind howl.

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It was 65 here in North Dakota on Saturday, but the wind blows no matter what the temperature is. One morning last week it was 6 degrees when I got up. No snow yet and we aint complaining about that. Everyday for the next few months that it doesn't get below zero is a good day up here.

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Well we've had damn nice weather mid 60's to low 70's here in my neck of the woods. Hard to believe it's Nov. But I think it's fixin to start getting cold and I aint looking forward to it. I'm just glad I dont live any farther North I dont think I would make it through the winter. So to every one that lives up North stay warm! Mike

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I've lived in a lot of places (including Norht Dakota and South Texas). Fall/winter is the only comfortable (translate to outdoor habitable) time here on the Florida gulf coast. Greatest weather in the world was/is in Klamath Falls Oregon. Now that I don't have to drive to work daily, I'm heading north to moderate snow country and fair dryer summers.

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The fires here are finally under control, the wind is gone, it's cooling off, looks like our winter is coming.

How do you know it's winter in so. Cal? It rains once-in-a-while and it's gets cooler, like highs in the low 60s, lows in the low 40s.

I'm getting ready to do Thanksgiving in the desert again (been doing this since I was 14!) Last year we had 22 people for dinner.

[How to cook a turkey in the desert....

1. Prep turkey like usual with stuffing

2. Put it in a baking bag

3. Wrap it 3 times in aluminum foil

4. Dig hole big enough for turkey plus 5 inches all around

5. Get 60 pounds of charcoal going, wait until turns white

6. Layer bottom of hole with hot charcoal

7. Insert turkey

8. Completely cover turkey with charcoal

9. Completely cover charcoal with sand

10. Go play for 6 hours

11. Dig up turkey carefully!

12. Enjoy!]

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We had our first hot day yesterday 39.5 or I think 103 in your temps we usually don't get that sort of temp until late January so I'm expecting a hot summer this year. At first I was annoyed about the two storey house that was built next too us but now I now think it has turned into a godsend as it blocks out alot of the hot afternoon sun, tiling our whole houses floors has also worked great as I didn't have to put the air con on until 5.30pm when the hubby got home. I wouldn't of put it on as I don't mind the heat but my husband hates it so on it went.

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Sounds like my kinda weather! mike

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Go2Tex forgot to mention our mosquitoes. Not to mention all the little spider webs draped everywhere. We even saw a scorpion on Saturday.

This warm spell sure has the critters happy.


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well around here it 75 to 80 year round. but its winter here when we get snow on mauna kea ... we got some snow about a week ago..heres a picture of the mt. with snow.. GO2TEX, i also love to Q.. i do it year round here.heres what i cook on.. i also have a imu ( a hole in the ground) that we use to cook kalua pig and turkey..sound a little like what Washroad is doing. CLAYB, I lived the first 19 years of my life i Minot , ND.. cold but a great place nice peaple...







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