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Happy Birthday

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happy belated birthday y'all

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I may not look a day over 54 but I feel 202 :rofl: sometimes. The geezer factor came into play about 10 years ago when the ladies started bestowing the title of sir on me. I could only afford one gift so I gave myself the day off.

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Wishing a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jordan, Rawhide 1, and the Thumper. I hope we all have many more, on the leatherworker.net together. With the best of wishes Billy P :banana::cheers::birthday:

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Hey Bert,

I know you mentioned it, but I almost missed it anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wish there was a CD of Dr. Hook singing happy birthday, but if there is, I dont know where to get it, so just imagine them singing it to you. Hope you have a great day!!!


PS: Happy Birthday to Mia (hope that's right) Maria and Riley too! Wasn't there a couple more b'days in the house this month too? Must be almost like Christmas in October.

Edited by ClayB

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Got my Tandy package this morning- whoo-hoo- I am off to the shop to make something! I don't know what yet, but I have things i can use to cut again, right Clay?

Even more exciting is that two of Clay's daughters and one of his sons are turning 4 tomorrow. :Holysheep:

Happy happy happy happy birthday to all of you, and may your house never be interrupted with a dull moment!



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Happy Birthday, Clay!


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Happy Birthday Clay :birthday:

Have a great day and enjoy those kids - they grow up far too fast.

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Thanks guys!!! the trio says thank you too to Clay and his mom too!!!Johanna, wow that got there faster than I thought it would Lol you can now cut and trim any piece of leather and make it smaller!!!

Got my Tandy package this morning- whoo-hoo- I am off to the shop to make something! I don't know what yet, but I have things i can use to cut again, right Clay?Even more exciting is that two of Clay's daughters and one of his sons are turning 4 tomorrow. :Holysheep: Happy happy happy happy birthday to all of you, and may your house never be interrupted with a dull moment! :rockon::birthday: Johanna

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:birthday: I hope everyone gets their own cake! :)


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I'm gonna owe Riley for the mommy comment for a long time!! Since we know Kathy is only 29, that makes me what, about 10?

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Hope you are having a good birthday. Rundi and I are singing in your honor.

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Happy Birthday, Clay! I mean Bert! Give those cute little kids of yours each a happy birthday hug for me, okay? I think Ernie is jealous because he didn't think of being 29 forever before I did. I lost track of all the people who think my daughter Sheena and I are sisters. I AM only 5 years older than she is, it could happen . . .

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Whew, i got here just in time. i got lost, Ernie gave me directions. Happy B-day Clay/Bert

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Happy birthday Davy!

I know it's little late but still a couple of hours remaining in Sweden and a few more in US so I guess that counts for something!


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Coffee is on me, all day!


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Thanks heaps Matey. I'm thinking I might have to start lacing my coffee with formaldyhide in the future.


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That's one way to preserve yourself forever. :) Happy Birthday, Barra!

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Happy Birthday Barra - I do enjoy your forum contributions! :birthday:

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Happy birthday Barra!

Formaldehyde might be the trick for the donuts around here, thanks for the tip. I'll go and make the birthday donuts and you'll be tha happy one first out to try;-)


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Maybe we can mix the Formaldehyde into someting a lil stronger....hehehe Jack & Formaldehyde....has a nice ring to it!

Happy Birthday brother!


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big hugs barra....hope you have a good day.

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Happy Birthday, Andrew. :birthday::cheers:

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