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CIL 07 show

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This is going to be a fun time!

Show info here

Classes by Jeff Mosby, Paul Burnett, Chan Geer, Ava Gannon, Charles Crenshaw

I'm going, hope to see you there!


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I just got in from Indianapolis. It was a terrific show! Lots of friends, leather and fun! I will post a full report tomorrow, and put some captions on the pics for y'all. Here is the link for the pics I took:


Our ClayB won two first place and one second place ribbon out of three entries. Not bad, huh? (**hint- you've seen some of the work here on leatherworker.net already!**)

If anyone thinks that people in the IILG would be interested in seeing these pictures, please feel free to post the link on the iilg-leather and iilg-member lists. I don't mind.

More tomorrow!


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WOW there is some really nice stuff there and congrats ClayB on the 2 first prizes and one second place. Don

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Johanna, many thanks for taking the time to take and then post the photos. Lots of nice work there. :)

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Johanna, thanks for the photo update on the show. :thumbsup:

AND, congradulations to ClayB. :clapping:


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I looked at the photos and a few thoughts came to mind. I saw some photos that reminded me of Darwin Ohlerkings work is he still around?

Does Paul Burnett still wiggle when he talks?

Just what was Robert Beard holding in the picture?

David Genadek

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I'm not Johanna, but Bob's got a napkin...shall I tell you to "get your mind out of the gutter" as we used to say 'round here :lol:

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It has been many years since I've seen Darwin Ohlerking at a show. I have always admired his work. The precision and detail of his work amazes me; steady hand and careful eye.

I looked around and saw a few of the "founders of the Federation", but we've lost quite a few to old age and angels.


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It has been many years since I've seen Darwin Ohlerking at a show. I have always admired his work. The precision and detail of his work amazes me; steady hand and careful eye.

I looked around and saw a few of the "founders of the Federation", but we've lost quite a few to old age and angels.


I was just looking at a picture he gave me many years ago. He brought his own style in and I'm glad to see it had some influence.

David Genadek

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It seems that since I returned from the Indiana show my personal life got really complicated and busy, and I am sorry my report is so late. I know I have a couple of the pics sideways, too- thanks to all who pointed it out. I have them "on the list", which is getting so long it's about to hit the floor!

I got to the hotel Friday afternoon, and registered. The CIL Guild did an excellent job coordinating and organizing the show, and all their members were wearing maroon polo shirts, so it was easy to find help and ask questions. When folks would turn around, there were lots of smiles as old friends greeted each other. One of the first people I ran into was Ernie Wayman, President of the IFoLG, and he filled me in on what I missed earlier in the week. The classes were well attended, and comments were positive. I checked in, and started wandering around. The first room I came to was the vendor room. Paul Burnett and his wife, Karen, were there, and I was surprised at how quickly their daughter has grown up! Paul is an innovator in coloring leather, and it's always a treat to see him work. George Hurst was manning the Hidecrafters area, and doing a brisk business. Sadly, his wife, Jane, was not with him because of a death in the family. I found Gerald Woody, past president of the Georgia Leathercrafters Guild, negotiating tool prices with George. I squealed with delight- I haven't seen Woody since the 2003 show in Macon. Woody has been fighting a medical battle, but he still has his shop in Cochran, Georgia. Jerry, his wife, was there, too, and I was so glad to see them. woody.jpg Then I saw this Jerry Garcia/ Santa Claus hippy dude and knew instantly it was Neil Cowan, current pres. of the GLCG. (He's the one in the kilt in the pics) Neil was there with his wife, Barb, and their son, Josh. Josh was telling everyone how I gave him his first job- counting inventory for Tandy when he was a teenager. (Do you know how long it takes to count rivets and rounders? LOL) He is a Nuclear Submarine Tech for the Navy, now, and not a kid any longer, but he and his family have managed to preserve the intellectual humor and outrageousness that makes them so fun to be with. Let me illustrate:


Andy Stasiak looked kind of lonely with a barren table of so-so hides for sale. Someone offered him a deal at the end of the show for the stock, but he refused, saying they had to be returned to the Tandy. I didn't see too many people even looking on his table. Bob Beard had a nice set up, and all his pretty tools gleaming. Leatherworkers were lined up drooling on them, so he didn't see me right away. But I did get my hug, and we snuck out for a few smoke breaks over the weekend. (The hotel was smoke free.) The doors to the competition room were blocked, and entries were arriving. I caught Edd Lucas in the hallway and volunteered to help with whatever needed done, and he said he'd let me know. Bob Beard served as Head Judge. They had plenty of judges and scribes, so a bunch of us went to Dennys and got some supper.

When we got back I went to the biggest room, where we had the banquet Saturday night, and a few Guilds had set displays up. I walked slowly from one end of the room to the other, taking pictures, and talking to all the great folks who were minding their displays and the ones who were setting up the raffle tables. I met Linda, who did those cardinals using pyrography (look carefully at that pic, there are no mistakes, and a lot of detail!) from The Prarie States Guild and then I saw The Major's (Shawn Zoladz ) purse: The_Major.jpg

He offered me a deep discount on it, and if I had the cash, I'd mail him a check. I'm saving my pennies and hoping it's still available when I have my money together, or he'll make me one like it. The picture doesn't show the clever strap very well. I think I have a better one somewhere. For some reason, that purse just stood out to me. Next was the Buckeye Leathercrafters. They will be the hosts of the 2008 show here in Ohio, about 90 miles from my house (Does anyone think we should just plan for a major party?) The Pitt Pounders and the Georgia guild didn't set up displays. The others are in the pics. Pay special attention to the one the CIL put together. They used wood and inlaid each member's work into the frame, and members' signatures are also included on the frame. It was a very well done display down to the inconspicous lighting they used to accent the work of their members. They also had photo albums to browse through, and I have seldoms seen displays at nice as that at the Federation show, so I wonder who will get the Trophy in Ft Worth this year? Lonestar (this year's IFoLG hosts) always puts up an effort, and so does the Bluegrass Guild. I have to say I was impressed with the CIL's ideas, and the the art and names brought back some memories. (They even had a memorial area.)

The raffle tables were loaded. All kinds of goodies, stretched around the back of the long room. I could have bought tickets, I should have bought tickets, but I don't even DO leatherwork any more. The thing that really tempted me were Ava Gannon's pictures. I'm still kicking myself for not buying tickets. On Saturday morning they opened the competition room and we got to see the pieces and the prizes. I methodically took pics from one end to the other, but I say Clay's Indian, and I knew I was in a hurry to see what it got. ClayBcerts__Medium_.jpg All day Saturday I got to talk to people. Everyone was either in a class or informally starting one, and the only bad thing about that hotel was there was no decent coffee available.

I left the hotel looking for coffee and I accidentally found the Indianapolis Tandy store. It was in a low rent shopping plaza, and I thought "That looks like a good place for a Tandy", and there it was. I went in, no one even greeted me. I looked around. I'd have been fired for having so much inventory, but maybe they had special permission because the show was in town. Maybe it's different now that the Leather Factory owns them. I saw a Tippman Boss in a small flat box and wondered how hard that was to put together? I almost bought some doo-dads , but there was going to be a long wait for someone to write a ticket. There was no one from the show in the store. I've worked in specialty retail for 15+ years, and it's not like the grocery store where the customers can gather their own things. Sales in Tandy stores depend on service and the ability to give people confidence about how to work the stuff. The easy orders to fill in the tandy get mailed, faxed or done online. Those customers know what they want, and do not need their hand held. I left after I got bored. It was the same old stock with higher prices, and I'm not a leatherworker any more, I have to keep reminding myself. I gave up on the hunt for coffee and just bought a can, since we had pots in our rooms. Maybe Indiana water is worse than ours, I don't know. Back at the hotel, there were impromptu classes still, and everyone was happily socializing. I inquired about Ron Ross, president of the IILG from St. Joe, Indiana. He had been scheduled to be one of the instructors, but no one signed up for his class, "Pick My Brain", so he didn't come to the show. I was a bit disappointed, because I had also heard the Hays, Jim & Pat, were coming, and they weren't there either. Wayne from the Bluegrass Guild was there, and it's always good to see him. It was nice to put faces with some names at last- and the thing I love about these shows are the friendliness and fellowship. Everybody does different kinds of leatherwork, but we all come together to appreciate the art and to learn from each other. It makes me want to go home and start playing in the shop until I remember that I don't do leatherwork. *sigh* ("Why not?" she asks herself. You don't have to carve to have fun!)

The banquet was a buffet, and a beautiful prayer was said. Pat Goodman played his bagpipes for us. When he played the Star Spangled Banner the entire room rose and put their hand over their heart. We ate as much as we could carry. There was a skit by the CIL afterwards, and "thank you"s. There was cheering and clapping for all the awards presented. The certificates were handed out, and everyone seemed pleased. George said a few words about the upcoming Federation Show. Special awards were presented made from the wood of the old tanning vats at Moser? (Someone correct me if I have the name wrong, it's been a few weeks and I've slept since then.) Edd explained all the history, but I was in the back of the room with all the rowdy folks, and we couldn't hear very well anyway. After the banquet there was a swap shop, all night carving and talking, the usual... I went to bed without using the hotel hot tub. Too tired. LOL

Sunday morning no one seemed to want to pack up. The vendor room was crowded, and the raffle started at 11, which was also check out time. We went to breakfast, then headed back to the hotel for the raffle and the goodbyes. I did not take the Interstate home. It was a beautiful day, and I just drove the back roads, nice and easy, and was glad I had the chance to go to the show. Now I gotta flip the pics before I forget.






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When we got back I went to the biggest room, where we had the banquet Saturday night, and a few Guilds had set displays up. I walked slowly from one end of the room to the other, taking pictures, and talking to all the great folks who were minding their displays and the ones who were setting up the raffle tables. I met Linda, who did those cardinals using pyrography (look carefully at that pic, there are no mistakes, and a lot of detail!) from The Prarie States Guild and then I saw The Major's (Shawn Zoladz ) purse: The_Major.jpg

He offered me a deep discount on it, and if I had the cash, I'd mail him a check. I'm saving my pennies and hoping it's still available when I have my money together, or he'll make me one like it. The picture doesn't show the clever strap very well. I think I have a better one somewhere. For some reason, that purse just stood out to me.

Thanks for the plug! I am humbled.

Thanks for the report, I wish I could have been there.

Edited by The Major

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This shows the braided strap a little better. Linda told me it was yours, Shawn, and I figured you wouldn't mind me photographing it. (There's an unwritten "look, don't touch" protocol at shows for display items.) I was already smitten with it anyway, but when I picked it up I knew for sure I wanted it. I know it's worth two or three times what you quoted me, times are just tight right now. Understand I am carrying a $10 Wal-Mart purse that has all the charm and elegance of a mass produced import piece of crap. If I would have had the money, I would have given Linda a check for you and moved into that purse before the banquet! :)



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This shows the braided strap a little better. Linda told me it was yours, Shawn, and I figured you wouldn't mind me photographing it. (There's an unwritten "look, don't touch" protocol at shows for display items.) I was already smitten with it anyway, but when I picked it up I knew for sure I wanted it. I know it's worth two or three times what you quoted me, times are just tight right now. Understand I am carrying a $10 Wal-Mart purse that has all the charm and elegance of a mass produced import piece of crap. If I would have had the money, I would have given Linda a check for you and moved into that purse before the banquet! :)


I am glad you like it. I have absolutely no problems posting the pictures. They actually look better than the ones I took of it. I totally understand the situation. No worries. I'll keep it for a display unit and if you ever decide to move on it cool. If not no big deal either. And like you said, if I sell it, I can always make a new one it will be better the second time around. :cheers:

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