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Hmm, editing posts seems to cause it to hang up. Still getting some random jumping (vertically) as I'm typing this. It's kinda like the page isn't sure where it's supposed to be. Also, can we have the "back to top" button next to the report button re-installed?

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thanks for taking the extra time to keep us updated with what's going on... makes it less frustrating when you know someone is at the controls and trying to get things running properly.

Bob mentioned haveing to sign in everytime he hits "new posts". I have a different problem... when I open Leatherworker.net there is no button for "new posts". When I hit the button to "sign in", the "new posts" button appears and so does the fact that I'm still signed in (I don't actually have to sign in again... it's just not apparent on the first page that I'm acutally still signed in). Not sure what any of it means but there you go.


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I still have to sign in each time I leave & reenter the site. I still don't care for it. AT ALL! It's going to need a lot of 'new & exciting features' to make me say WOW I REALLY LOVE THIS SITE ABSOLUTELY JUST BECAUSE IT'S NEW & EXCITING & HAS FEATURES I REALLY NEED & LOVE BECAUSE IT'S JUST NEW & EXCITING... Sorry, I still need to use a different browser to use it because my old browser won't support it & locks up every time I try to use it & that's a PITA.Everything else is on the other site with the old browser- emails, general news, favorites,- everything else... To read this stuff, I need to go to the different browser.

AND: Each time I try to read a post, it seems that that post is SO VERY, VERY LARGE & (not) EXCITING & GOES ON FOREVER instead of before. I guess these posts are now for "the visually deaf?.. :wtf: I know I'm being facetious, & I really do like change, because I get easily bored, but when I'm just trying to garner information, this really gets in the way of facts & information & useful stuff. I'm trying to be patient & NOT trying to be stodgy, but I'm just damn frustrated! Thank you & I'm going to bed. It's been a very long day.


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PM messaging acting rather bizarre when replying to a PM all kinds of weird warnings come up and can't tell if the reply was sent. It will all come out in the wash I'm sure. Looking good, love the colors and it all seems quick enough and easy to read. Chat did freeze up but I could never get it to work before either. I think Ubuntu/Firefox/Flash or something like is messed up on my system because some other sites I go to occasionally do the same.

  • Moderator

Russ, I'm sorry. We're working on it right now, and I am pretty sure we can get the kinks worked out and running smoothly again, despite the new features. In the meantime, use the lofi version at the bottom of the page in the drop down menu until things are right again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the security updates and other stability issues require that we update, and I'd rather do it it now than before the old board crashed. I promise we won't quit until we get things satisfactory again. Thank you for your patience. We really are trying to bring everyone a better board.


  • Contributing Member

Russ, check the settings on your browser. If you have it set to clear cookies every time you close it, then you will have to sign in every time. This places a 'cookie' on your computer that acts kinda like an ID tag, telling the forum that you are a member. Also, when you do sign in, see if the "remember me" box is checked ( I think it is by default). If it isn't, the cookie won't be deposited.

Lastly, while I'm far from the browser expert, there are some folks here that are pretty dang sharp with them. If you let folks know which browser(s) you're having problems with, I'll bet the gurus will chime in and help you figure it out.


New look caught me by surprise yesterday and I haven't had the chance to surf around to much but the general feeling I have is that it doesn't differ too much from old look that I have much problems finding my way around in here.

Good work Johanna and everybody else working with the upgrade!!!:thumbsup:



As of this afternoon it still didn't like my Internet Explorer

Opera is working though.....

Of course the IE problems could be at my end, too. I have had issues with it before. till a friend came over and "slapped it around some"

  • Moderator


I am using IE and not havng any problems, other than sometimes instant load and sometimes a lag time. I am catching emails from a couple of members who are unable to get on at all or freeze up when they can. I think more doughnuts are in order for the staff working on this.


Bruce - everytime I tried to go anywhere - the durn thing went into "everthink" and then just stopped responding altogether.

and if I did get it to go past the first page I had to sign in again and then it went into "everthink" and stopped responding altogether.....

as I said it could just be settings in MY machine.

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Suze - You have pretty accurately described my experience when using IE7. For some unknown reason the IE browser dislikes the Forum with a vengeance, but everything runs like a dream in Firefox!

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I use IE7. To get the "normal" forum main site to open and to scroll down takes forever - well 3-5 min I guess. When I have scrolled down successfully and choose the "LoFi" version , speedwise, everthing is back to normal. But to get there takes 5 min!. I have read other people's comments on IE7, so is there a chance that the speed of loading the site will improve some time? Or is the new upgrade "over-engineered" for my computer?



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I use IE7. To get the "normal" forum main site to open and to scroll down takes forever - well 3-5 min I guess. When I have scrolled down successfully and choose the "LoFi" version , speedwise, everthing is back to normal. But to get there takes 5 min!. I have read other people's comments on IE7, so is there a chance that the speed of loading the site will improve some time? Or is the new upgrade "over-engineered" for my computer?




Don't upgrade your browser yet (unless you just want to). We have confirmed this problem and believe it is an issue with the forum software. Johanna is working with the publisher of IP Board to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Thanks for the feedback, and your patience.


  • Contributing Member

Search problem:

If I search and get a list of posts. Then select/view one of the posts in the list, I can not go back to list. I have to do the search all over again.


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Search problem:

If I search and get a list of posts. Then select/view one of the posts in the list, I can not go back to list. I have to do the search all over again.


The back button doesn't work?



ok here is one ? ? ? duh moment

When I asked for the "latest posts for the last week" it gave me 200 + posts (more or less)

When I clicked for the 2nd page it went back to the last 24 hours...

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ok here is one ? ? ? duh moment

When I asked for the "latest posts for the last week" it gave me 200 + posts (more or less)

When I clicked for the 2nd page it went back to the last 24 hours...

How rude! :ranting2:

Okay, noted. Thanks for mentioning it.


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I must be having trouble with my computer as no matter what I do, everything works. At first I didn't like anything about the new site, but the more I've gone through it, the more I like it. My only complaint so far is when I try to go to a topic, I have to double click on it. After that it's all single clicks like I'm used to. Jo, keep up the good work and I hope you get all the bugs worked out.

  • Moderator

thankyou.gif Joet!!!

You can't imagine how far a little encouragement and confidence from people like you means right now. We think we have figured out the problem with IE, and will be glad when we can mark it "resolved" so that people can start enjoying the nifty features the new format has. i will be setting up the Gallery area soon, and I hope it makes all you custom leatherworkers a couple extra $$ by promoting your work and getting people to your websites. I'd rather focus on the good that will result in the security updates and the couple of bells and whistles we can provide for our community. As anyone who has tried to write code for Internet Explorer knows, it's not a day in the park.


Thank you for your understanding and patience- and not giving up on us. You've been with LW since almost day one, and I appreciate your support of what we're trying to do here- education, entertainment and fellowship.

God bless and best regards,


  • Contributing Member

Sure is looking good and speed for me is very close to what it was before. IE8 HS-DSL & both Vista and XP

I did find that when I search and have to use back arrow, I must refresh to get search list back.




I go offline for a few months and the site changes. Usually I don't like change ( I refuse to learn metric, I've only just got used to using that new fangled stuff the Romans introduced). Must admit I like this new layout, well done everyone involved:thumbsup:.

(My opinion may change when I find where the ferrets have hidden my specs and I get to see it properly)


I'm a firefox user and haven't had any problems from day 1. Just out of curiosity, I switched over to IE and, WOW! I see why Johanna has been working around the clock. I've built a few websites and forums, and I can tell you, making them work with all of the browsers can be very, very frustrating. Keep up the great work, J!

Personally, I get tired of a website after a while....the colors mostly, but some of the other stuff too....even websites that I build. Sometimes changing the skin helps. In this case, the fresh look of the website is a pleasant diversion for me. And trust me folks, Johanna and her team are correct when they say an upgrade was needed for security and features. If you don't stay one step ahead in this game, one day you wake up and there's no website. Remember the big LW crash? Let's not do go through that again :head_hurts_kr:

You can't imagine how far a little encouragement and confidence from people like you means right now. We think we have figured out the problem with IE, and will be glad when we can mark it "resolved" so that people can start enjoying the nifty features the new format has. i will be setting up the Gallery area soon, and I hope it makes all you custom leatherworkers a couple extra $ by promoting your work and getting people to your websites. I'd rather focus on the good that will result in the security updates and the couple of bells and whistles we can provide for our community. As anyone who has tried to write code for Internet Explorer knows, it's not a day in the park.


  • Contributing Member

Just a quicky...went into my messenger section, and found my capacity at 100%. Last I checked, it was below 50%. Has the storage capacity been lowered, and I need to clean out, or do you plan on raising the capacities?

  • Moderator

PMs are kind of a mess still. Some have been restored, some are there but are not wanting to display, and some are not converting to the new "conversation" format. grrr... We're working on all that. Meanwhile, permissions got messed up during the transition so I have to back and set all the user groups size mailbox, room for uploaded attachments, and all that other stuff you just set and forget...until the next upgrade.

Until we beat IE into submission, I probably won't mess with the PMs unless someone needs them back or needs more room right away. If you figure out how to "archive" the PMs like the option we had before, please let me know. I haven't run into that one yet.


I want to hurry up and get the leftover issues fixed so we can set up the Gallery addition. I think some of you folks are going to be tickled when you see all it does, and all the control you will have over your section. We've got some exciting things going on right now- Paul Burnett teaching, video chat and uploads, a link manager for the shoppers that wander in here, raffles (TBA) by Chan Geer and Pete Gorrell, and, maybe someday, ads that pay expenses, so we don't have to beg you wonderful members for money. LW needs a dedicated server now as it continues to grow daily. While you guys are waiting for pages to load, call or email your favorite suppliers and urge them to sponsor us. We have their target market, and we need their financial support.

I'll keep you up to date on the PMs. Please- email me with anything I need to know about your PMs at admin@leatherworker.net and I'll do what I can to get you to the front of the line.


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