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Kia Ora, I have just aquired a Singer 145 W1 it was previously used on a yacht in the Meditteranean and is a head only ,apparently it was powered by battery powered hand drill. The machine has a kinky setup for changing stitch length and also the reverse via a lever, the other thing I had not come across before is a dial on the front of the body which you turn to alter from a straight stitch to a variable zigzag stitch. It came with large bobbins and a very strong thin cotton thread I assume that it had been used on sails. I have it sewing by hand ( have yet to source a table and motor ) I can not get it to sew with #69 thread which is annoying. Has any one out there had expience with this machine , it is not the walking foot longarm model that is on the web. Any comments or info much appreciated. Sorry I don`t have the savvy to upload photo.


It's to bad you can't post a pic cuz I'd sure like to see it.I know what a 145w101 is a double needle & heve seen alot of them but I've never seen a 145w with zig-zag.


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It's to bad you can't post a pic cuz I'd sure like to see it.I know what a 145w101 is a double needle & heve seen alot of them but I've never seen a 145w with zig-zag.


Bob, your not seeing the whole picture; this machine is on a yacht in the Meditteranean, and if you lift the foot while sewing, and the boat rocks back and forth, vola, zig zag!


Hi Gary,

Are you sure about the model number?



Greg,esp if the sail is still on the boat?

Trox,I questioned that model# too,but the 145's I've seen all have 3)# after the wlike 101,204,305 never seen a single #

Sometimes people also switch the tags too!So w/o a pic it'll be hard to help him.


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It zigs and zags and does the Sugarfoot Rag!

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Greg,esp if the sail is still on the boat?

Trox,I questioned that model# too,but the 145's I've seen all have 3)# after the wlike 101,204,305 never seen a single #

Sometimes people also switch the tags too!So w/o a pic it'll be hard to help him.


Depends on the barametric pressure, of course, and if the day falls on an odd calender month day #.

On a serious note, I have no clue what a Singer 145W1 means. Of couse, like you Bob the only Singer 145W I've seen is a double needle walking foot heavy capicty sewing.

Like you said, we would need to see an image to try to make out what he has there.

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Is it this one?

Don't know anything about the machine though.

Sandy.post-23336-020439600 1313792927_thumb.jp

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My guess was that you have a Singer 143w1; but I don't think that they have reverse. I think that the photo that Sandy just posted may be a 143w1.

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I think your right Machinehead. Must be a 143w1.

The 3 is easily mistaken by a 5 if it's not realy clear.


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Sandy you are a genius, or as we say in my country ``that`s the bugger``, do you have any knowledge about this model? I have only just read these posts and will now attack Google. Thanks for the humour Guys, I was getting a little green around the gills. Good old Leatherworker.net delivers the goods again. Bravo.

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So it's a 143w1 here's a manual for it



Kia Ora Bob, thanks for that I found it on Google yesterday and it is a pretty comprehensive manual. It is so good for `machine ignorant` guys like me to be able to tap into the collective knowledge that is given so freely by the Members of this Community. This machine is quite a little doozy and will be quite handy, it bangs away thru about 9mm without any trouble at all, regards Gary.

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