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After seeing Annes great bracelets, i thought i would try to work out how to do one. Being an impatient person, i couldnt wait for the tutorial, so after a few hours trial and error, and the clue...three over, two under, i came up with this effort. I wanted a thicker bracelet so after making a single braid, i made this double one. I would like to use a contrasting lacing but i only had one color, so i dyed the wrapped part black.





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That is sooooo beautiful! I will be looking for that tutorial!

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Yours turned out very cool!

OMG! What a feeling! I have never inspired anyone to do anything before! What a THRILL!

Sorry I had not got the tutorial posted yet. It needed some work and better pictures. After using what I had wrote up and had 3 people do it differently I knew my directions needed more work. Theirs was not wrong, just different. I will get mine up soon, that is as soon as I come down off the ceiling. I had planned to do one like your with the double row. I have also been working on one that is using the 1mm round lace where you do two \\// like this sort of. A single \/ did not look good.

you can find some of the pictures from the guild meeting at http://www.myspace.com/theleathercraftguild in the pic section along with other memebers work.

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Wow - great job! That is really cool. I like it.


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Two glowing pieces in a week. I love this one. It is unique and original at the same time. This is a winner!!!! :thumbsup::clapping:

Thanx for sharing,


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Sweet work, Roo! Love it!

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Roo your bracelet is unbelieveably gorgeous. Could you post the instructions for making them. Thanks so much. Linda

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Beautiful work. I'm envious of your patience with braiding. :yes:

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I love those bracers Anne made to and this one's fat and nice. Maybe I'll conduct one of my own aswell.

Nice going Roo!


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Very cool . Way to go agian Roo.

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