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I've finally saved up all my pennies and decided that it's time to give my fingers a rest! I'm considering a Cobra Class 3 or a Cowboy CB3500, but also open to other suggestions.

My budget is right around the $2,000 mark. Less is better but I only want to buy a machine once...

This machine will be used mainly for holsters and the occassional belt, so it has to handle at least 2 layers of 8-9oz leather.

I know very little about sewing machines, so I'm hoping to avoid having to purchase a number of accessories, extras, etc. It may be wishful thinking but I'm hoping to find the most user friendly machine available that meets all of the requirements.... something that is ready to go right "out of the box".

Any thoughts, suggestions, personal experience, or general help is greatly appreciated. This will be a fairly big purchase for me so, with your help, I'm hoping to get it right the first time ;)

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Posted (edited)

Most holster guys are using the Cobra 4 size machine. Most need to be able to sew a lot heavier than 2 layers of 9oz. And some gunbelt work etc... benefits form the 16" machine. Cowboy has the same thing.

If you are stateside, it pays to hit the crags and ebay. I was on the verge of buying a Cobra 4, when I looked locally and found an adler 205-64, for 800. Somehow when I was willing to write Cobra a check for 4K. I couldn't pop on the adler. It was a long drive. But I am kicking myself. But anyway stuff is out there. You might think you don't know enough to buy second hand, but it is the same issue with first hand. Study it up till you really know what you need, and could buy second hand, or you risk getting the wrong machine. People can't really tell you what would be best for you.

Edited by Massive
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I've finally saved up all my pennies and decided that it's time to give my fingers a rest! I'm considering a Cobra Class 3 or a Cowboy CB3500, but also open to other suggestions.

My budget is right around the $2,000 mark. Less is better but I only want to buy a machine once...

This machine will be used mainly for holsters and the occassional belt, so it has to handle at least 2 layers of 8-9oz leather.

I know very little about sewing machines, so I'm hoping to avoid having to purchase a number of accessories, extras, etc. It may be wishful thinking but I'm hoping to find the most user friendly machine available that meets all of the requirements.... something that is ready to go right "out of the box".

Any thoughts, suggestions, personal experience, or general help is greatly appreciated. This will be a fairly big purchase for me so, with your help, I'm hoping to get it right the first time ;)

I personally have been dealing with Steve from Cobera for several years, starting when he worked for Artisen. He has always been very helpful and willing to bend over backwards to work with me. I have also heard the same about Cowboy dealer also. Steve goes to all the leather shows and is available to chit chat with about the machines and pick his brain. Have never seen Cowboy at any of the shows. I think you would be good going with either.

Posted (edited)

Hey Randy,I just thought I'd mention that maybe you might not attend the shows we do as we go to shows @ Sheridan,Whichita Falls,TX,the Harness Makers & that's about it since Wickenburg(2000 mi) & some the the other shows are just to darn far to go.

Maybe we'll get to meet you at one of the above along with some other people from this fine board?


Edited by sewmun
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My Cowboy 4500 was ready to go right out of the box. Just mounted the head to the stand, put on the belt, and started sewing. It hasn't missed a beat and I've used it every day for about 6 months. I think the Cowboy 3500 would be right in your price range. I got all the accessories with mine, but honestly don't use any of them. I only use the standard plate and harness feet. They work fine for everything I do, which is only holsters. I played with the holster plate and left/right toe feet, but I like the standard harness feet and plate the best. If it were me, I would just buy the CB3500 for $1895 without any of the additional accessories.

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My Cowboy 4500 was ready to go right out of the box. Just mounted the head to the stand, put on the belt, and started sewing. It hasn't missed a beat and I've used it every day for about 6 months. I think the Cowboy 3500 would be right in your price range. I got all the accessories with mine, but honestly don't use any of them. I only use the standard plate and harness feet. They work fine for everything I do, which is only holsters. I played with the holster plate and left/right toe feet, but I like the standard harness feet and plate the best. If it were me, I would just buy the CB3500 for $1895 without any of the additional accessories.

Thanks for the advice guys! As always, very helpful. I realize that most of you may not want to come out and say "x" machine is better than "y" machine... but any pros or cons on either would be great. Just looking for honest info :) I do plan on giving both Steve and Bob a call soon.


You need to buy what ever you want. But i would suggest saving a few more dollars and get a 16 inch arm machine. I really belive you will be glad you did in the long run. 9 inches sounds like a lot of room but it will fill up fast !!

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I agree with dirtcold. See my post in the Holster forum.


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My harness stitcher has 12 inches of clearance to the right of the needle bar and I often have to turn leather up on the right side to spin it around. I strongly recommend saving until you can afford a 16.5 inch arm machine. Some people are even buying the 25 inch arm machines.

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Add one more for the wider throat. You may end up doing some repairs where that will come in handy. I went from an Adler with I want to say 12 or 13 inches to a Ferdco. Even that little width difference made sewing easier. You may find that the other feet and plates are pretty handy also. I got a full set of plates and feet and routinely use three plates and four feet.

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Thank you for the replies!

I will take the excellent advice and most likely go with a mahine with the deeper throat.

I really appreciate the help!

Thanks again ;)


One more vote for the "bare bones" CB4500. You will not use ALL the other stuff and will spend the same money. Go with the plain jane 4500.


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