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dear fellow crafters,

browsing allong the internet (google pictures), I came allong the attached picture, I tried to enhance the picture, but it gets all blurry for some reason, maybe I'm not using the right program, or simply the picture resolution isn't good enough. Hopefully one of u (us) can do something with this bleuprint and make it workeable. I've got no idea if it is copyrighted, if it is, I'll take this thread down in an instant. Should u get this bleuprint useable, please share it on the forum ;-).


Gunterpost-12134-030824500 1342163545_thumb.jp

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It needs converted to a Vector graphic. I have Adobe Suite at work that would do it if nobody else gets to it first.

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It needs converted to a Vector graphic. I have Adobe Suite at work that would do it if nobody else gets to it first.

Same here...I can convert it when I get home, too. ;)


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Same here...I can convert it when I get home, too. ;)


That would be great, then we can all look at it, as my eyes cannot make it out.

Tks a millions

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That would be great, then we can all look at it, as my eyes cannot make it out.

Tks a millions

thanks all!!! I don't own nor can work with any of these programs, am waiting impatiently! LOL, still, I am also going to buy the patternpack made by Will Gorhmley



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Whew, Gunter...that's a small image! I tried to render it into a vector, but the resolution is too poor because of it's size, and it comes out as a grey blob.

Do you have the link to the original image, website, or the exact Google search terms you used?


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Whew, Gunter...that's a small image! I tried to render it into a vector, but the resolution is too poor because of it's size, and it comes out as a grey blob.

Do you have the link to the original image, website, or the exact Google search terms you used?


sure I do, here's the copmlete search result ;-) http://www.google.be/search?hl=nl&q=m1911%20military%20holster&psj=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1249&bih=594&wrapid=tlif134225132156610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=UCEBUI30DIK4hAf9mvCQCA#um=1&hl=nl&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=m1911+military+holster+pattern&oq=m1911+military+holster+pattern&gs_l=img.3...2445.6610.0.7070.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=b20601698b50f9dd&biw=1249&bih=594

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sure I do, here's the copmlete search result ;-) http://www.google.be...iw=1249&bih=594

Thanks, Gunter. I did some more searching for it, and found a link to a 499 x 800 size of the image, but apparently it belonged to someone's Photobucket account in the Netherlands, and is no longer available (or, is password protected).

I'll keep digging to see what I can find. ;)


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You may try a patent search, or check with the government printing office for this.

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Posted (edited)

You may try....the government printing office for this.

That's what I was going to do next, as it looks like an official USG publication/blueprint. ;)


Edited by Ghostsoldier
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Well I won't be at work and have access for a while, here's a better picture.

post-16668-005153800 1342293039_thumb.jp

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thanks for all replies!

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Well I won't be at work and have access for a while, here's a better picture.

That's the 499x800 verison, Mog...thanks for posting it, and I'll try to vectorize it and see what happens.


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OK, I tried to vectorize the last image, but it's still not high enough resolution to make a decent scan. I have uploaded the results to my Mediafire account, for those who would like to see the results:

PDF format:


Here is also a scalable image (,svg) format:


Here's a .dxf format:


Here's an AutoCad 2000 .dwg format:


And finally, an Acad 2004 ..dwg that I tweaked a little; it has no text, but it's the pattern outline from the jpeg image...if you know how to build one of these, it should help somewhat for a basic pattern outline:


In the meantime, I'll keep looking for a better, larger image to convert....I know there's one out there somewhere; we just have to find it! :)


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I would like to add two things. First I have a 1918 model might besides me and compared it to drawing as best as I can and they appear to be the same except mine is missing the leg tie down and not sure it it ever had it. It would be hard to make the item from that drawing alone as it isn't that clear where to place some of the beef up items. so refer to a photo if you are using that for a pattern on before constructing.

Second find out which Ordnance Manual called for the 1911 model probably 1910-12 versions. I have used them in the past and they are public domain items find one with the plates in it also. I have a disc around here with a several years worth of pdfs copies that I paid for before learning that they were on line.

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Posted (edited)

OK, I tried to vectorize the last image, but it's still not high enough resolution to make a decent scan. I have uploaded the results to my Mediafire account, for those who would like to see the results:

PDF format:


Here is also a scalable image (,svg) format:


Here's a .dxf format:


Here's an AutoCad 2000 .dwg format:


And finally, an Acad 2004 ..dwg that I tweaked a little; it has no text, but it's the pattern outline from the jpeg image...if you know how to build one of these, it should help somewhat for a basic pattern outline:


In the meantime, I'll keep looking for a better, larger image to convert....I know there's one out there somewhere; we just have to find it! :)



I have managed to come up with a little better image of the pattern...I cannot read the drawing number but am attempting to get more info.... In the mean time you want to try your magic on this image?

Thanks DBP

post-5041-044452900 1342369917_thumb.jpg

Edited by DoubleBarP
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Here's my latest attempt, using your cleaner, 449x720 jpeg.; it does look a little better than the last one, but I believe the muddy results we getting are because we're trying to improve and enlarge a small resolution image, up to an 8.5x11 or larger vector....if we could get the image in a larger format (preferably the actual size scan), I think it would be a better result.


I'm using a program called Vector Magic, and it's always worked very well for me in the past; the results depend, of course, on the source image.



Hey Guys!

Here is a copy of a microfiche (sp?) of original blueprints of the Mod. 1912 Military Pistol Holster. This model has a drop swivel. A later model M-1916, has the military wire pistol belt attachment and a belt slot in the rear. The holsters were both for the M1911 pistol, but were designated by the years that the final designs were accepted by the War Department, 1912 and 1916 respectively.

This document was provided to me by Jodie Wesemann, Museum Specialist at the Rock Island Arsenal Museum. She's a really neat lady and is trying to digitize the micro films before they disintegrate, and she's doing it in her spare time.

Hope this helps,



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Wow, that's awesome, Mike! Thanks for sharing; I can convert this to vector if anyone wants it; but, as it is, it looks pretty serviceable...all one needs to do is to enlarge it up to fit the scale! ;)


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indeed, thanks for that pdf Mike, now figuring the scale and bingo!!!!! ;-) send a special thanks to that lady for me from Belgium!!! Maybe a to forward and naughty question, but do you have more of these pattern pdf's, specially on military holsters? like the 1870-1900 holsters or the shoulderholster for the m1911 --> 1940? or maybe the e-mail addy of the dear lady?



P.S. To all you guys, you all rule!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Guys!

Here is a copy of a microfiche (sp?) of original blueprints of the Mod. 1912 Military Pistol Holster. This model has a drop swivel. A later model M-1916, has the military wire pistol belt attachment and a belt slot in the rear. The holsters were both for the M1911 pistol, but were designated by the years that the final designs were accepted by the War Department, 1912 and 1916 respectively.

This document was provided to me by Jodie Wesemann, Museum Specialist at the Rock Island Arsenal Museum. She's a really neat lady and is trying to digitize the micro films before they disintegrate, and she's doing it in her spare time.

Hope this helps,



That is so nice of you to share the pattern... I have written to them but no response as yet... Thank you for shareing... Did you by chance get any other drawings your willing to share? Would just save her talking to the rest of us one at time.... LOL...

thanks again...


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Update. I talked with the museum. She is sending me a cd with some drawing on it... Although the 1858 stuff was not available as it was before the Fort was built.... Bottom line she was very helpful and went beyond the call of duty to help me out.... I will be glad to share what she sends me if there is an interest...



PS... the scale for some of the drawings is different based on when the drawing was made... Most of the ones I received have a scale in the bottom of the drawing...(like a map legend)

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Sounds like a truly helpful librarian. Please do post when you get the CD



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please do share and post that cd ;-), this lady rocks!

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