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It seems like having fun with leather makes people happy.

The santa is for Christmas and New years will be later.

These will be made for family and friends and that will make my wife smile.

So back to the fun and maybe i will loose the Slops.


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Joe you are getting very Good.... :clapping:

:notworthy: Joe you are getting very Good

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The turkey is cool, but that Santa is going to "Rock"....very nice.

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Thanks guys,

I do like doing those themes.

Coasters are useful and the leather tobacco pipe stands

are also. There is so many ideas you can apply to them and to

me it's great training.

Now as a friend of my says use a Wing divider for boarders.

Again thank you for your comments.

Joe S.

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Brace for stupid question: Is that a stencil/trace pattern? Do ya then copy it onto the leather, and then the tool/impress the shapes?

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