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Well its been a while since I did any leather work to speak of, couple rifle slings with just stamped back grounds and what not. Finally had a reason to do some tooling and wow Ive forgotten alot. Had to go back a review a few books lol. Managed to get it done.

And a pic of our first baby, she showed up just this last weekend.

Almost forgot, its about 6oz wickett and craig russet skirting. I lined it with some calf and am gonna put the 3 ring assembly in, gotta get some stand offs to make it work right.





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Congrats on your lovely baby. You just have one problem.....the first baby gets a LOT of pics taken, you are going to need another album really soon. LOL :thumbsup:


Thanks guys, yeah there are already a ton of photos and shes only a week old. I think the usb and dvd is still gonna be the best storage but would like to have some nice photos to be able to flip thru.

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What a great treasure that will be for her for the rest of her life. "My Daddy made that for me when I was born", she'll proudly tell her kids and grandkids.

And very nice work it is!


  • Members

Great work, and congrats on the little bundle of joy! Now the fun begins! Be sure to record it , you'll never regret it . Bob

  • Members

Very nice!

  • Contributing Member

Very cool idea. I hadn't started working with leather when my oldest was born seven years ago and had just started learning when my second son came along. Might have to make then each a photo album like this. I really like the idea, and yours turned out great.

Congratulations on the beautiful daughter! Hope she is letting you get some sleep!


  • Members

Beautiful! Both the album AND the baby! :)

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