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K-Bar Sheath For Marine Medic

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A Vet Marine medic wanted me to make a sheath to to replace the stock one. He asked me to add fire starter and field hone carriers.

Here is what I came up with.




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Lots of work on that one. Looks great. A job well done.

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I would pack that around. Great knife with a slick sheath.

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Thanks gents, it was fun doing the job with freedom to make it work. A lot of times a client will be so "particular" about what they would like that I have to tell them it won't work.

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Nice job on the sheath Fredo! Not too sure about the Marine medic through, unless he meant he was a Navy Corpsman. Even the most gung-ho corpsman I ran into didn't claim to be Marines though....

Best regards, Josh

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Fredo, nicely done.

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Beautiful sheath ! I want one of those knives so bad !

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Fredo, You do some nice clean work Your ideas came through loud and clear, ! Ilke the suntan too.

Oh, and thanx for the mini description breakdown, thats always informative.

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