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I wrote last about my issues with the sig Nightmare but it made me take a close look at the colt A1 blue gun I have been using for a few years now and while everyone has managed to break in my holsters that blue gun is a hell of a lot narrower than say my Rock island. I am thinking about taking Dwight's advice and just building up the Colt blue gun but does anyone have the Colt blue gun and the Springfield 1911 blue gun. Is the springfield any beefier? Shoulders up higher?





I am going to post a comparison again of my Rocky and the colt for anyone that may have advice but hasnt seen the pictures



By the way ... off topic but my Rocky commander Tactical was the best $400.00 gun purchase I may have ever made!!

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Have you measured the OD of the slide? The difference could be in the barrel, like the XDs. Same frame, but the .45 barrel is thinner than the 9mm barrel. Make sense? Might be more looks than real difference? Might check some of mine later.

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The dust cover on the frame of the SA should be squarer. The actual gun is. I use the Duncan's molds for 1911s so I can't speak for the Ring's blue gun molds. Hopefully someone here can confirm for you.

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Here are some pics that might help. The molds shown are (from top to bottom):

  • Colt Commander blue gun
  • Springfield 1911 blue gun
  • 5" 1911 ASP red gun

For what it's worth (in case it isn't evident from the pictures) the shape of the slide is virtually identical on all three molds.




Posted (edited)

Wow ... THANK YOU! That was amazingly generous of you to take time to shoot the photo and its very helpful. It does appear though that while the difference is subtle the Springfield mold has slightly higher more defined shoulders.


If you are sticking a rocky tac or springer in a mold made with the softer shoulders like that on the colt mold it would stretch but now that I see it it would make those guns stick a bit at first. I dont think my Rock Island GI had such sharp edges. Do you notice any practical difference? or is that that slight difference not an issue? I certainly dont need to spend another 50 bucks on a new mold if the colt one serves just as well.

Dude ... that was so helpful! Thank you


Edited by Boriqua
  • Contributing Member

The Colt, RIA, SA, Ruger, and Wilson Combat are so similar you can use the same stitch pattern for them all. The Kimber is a bit thicker..

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FWIW, . . . I did find an older Springfield Armory, . . . all stainless, . . . 1911 (I think it may have been a "loaded"), . . . was absolutely bigger. This was a number of years ago, . . . and I have never run across it again, . . . but it would not go into a Milt Sparks Executive holster, . . . nor would it go into one of the cheaper kydex holsters I had at the time.

Just sayin.

May God bless,


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