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I've never done a project where I need to reinforce the leather, but I'd like to replace the junky vinyl portfolio that I've carried around the office forever. It's a pretty straightforward pattern - will tool the 4/5 veg tan for outside, line with either the 2/3 veg tan I've got or get some other liner. 

Just not sure what goes in between there. I've searched but found lots of portfolios for critique, etc but nothing that answered. Do I get the Tandy bag stiffener I've seen mentioned in other places?

Oh, and bonus question... best finish for this project? I move between buildings frequently and get caught in rain at times. Worried about the water resistance of Leather Sheen and the cracking of Saddle Lac. Guess it's time to try my hand at Resolene?

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I would use chipboard as a stiffener.  As for a finish for waterproofing, why not carnauba cream?

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Carnauba cream isn't really a top coat in my opinion. The leathersheen is what I would use first, Resolene- if you can stand the smell lol, is also a good top coat. I have seen some great waxing on leather that works extremely well. Since you will  be tooling, I will leave out the suggestion of using Bridle, Harness or Latigo. What about saddle skirting instead? It is good and stiff as you have mentioned that you want as a feature.

The stiffener could also be another layer of leather that you have laying around.


Just a few ideas for you to toss around Spaceblues

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Do you have a picture of what you are trying to accomplish? I don't see where a 4/5 ounce tooled leather with a liner would need a stiffener on a portfolio. 

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Mine is at the office right now, but I grabbed the first one on the net I saw. I want the sides to not have any give in them. Looks like this one has some kind of stiffener in the panels as well. 



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That one isn't made with 6/7 ounce total of vegtan leather. Its a lighter weight, more flexible leather with, most likely, a card stock stiffener. I make a lot of padfolios, and 6/7  ounce veg tan leather with a thin liner and the pockets are plenty stiff.





sophisticated cat padfolio 1.jpg

sophisticated cat padfolio 2.jpg



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Belts are made out of that weight of leather and are obviously quite flexible. The one I have at the office has zero play in it and that's what I'm wanting to replicate. It has something in between the layers that prevents it from flexing. It's probably chipboard... I'll pick some up and give it a go. 

  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi, I don't know if you managed to solve the problem, but from what I've seen in some clipboards, for stiffening is used a sheet of high density cardboard. If it's cut tight to the seams should be quite stiff and not as heavy as chipboard.


Take the one you are currently using apart and use the stiffener (and clip if any) in your new one.  Sometimes the lowest cost is to purchase a cheap ready-made item and use it for parts.  Provides examples of how it was manufactured and you get the parts that might be hard to find otherwise.  Have done that for 3" 3 ring binders.


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Look at various Vilene, Pellon, Pelmet, Peltex, or Timtex interfacing materials and template plastic. There is a huge variety. Some will be lighter, stiffer, and more durable than chipboard.

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Masonite, or Plexiglass.  That "stiffener" from Tandy is nothing more than firm paper -- useless.


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Kydex could also be an option, perhaps. I used a sheet of 0.093 for a back board for a gun case and I like it pretty well

9 - Nested.jpg

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