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Anybody carries veg split leather?  Looking for something split, but NOT chrome


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If you find a supplier let me know I could use some.

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I'll keep looking.  Maybe just have to make my own?  But I'll mark ya down in case i do find some.  


Posted (edited)



Have never ordered from these guys 


From across the pond I think



Forgot to add I think zackwhite carries veg splits but I have not ordered from them in a long time after getting some very poor quality leather a while back. 

Edited by MADMAX22
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Looks like you searched the same ones I did. That one definitely across the water.  That other guy is on ebay and etsy, too, but I hadn't seen the whole sides - just pieces.

Don't know how many times I looked right at HO page saying they got splits. Always went right by it -- probly cuz minimum 30 splits... and I've seen my checkbook! :rofl:


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It occurs to me that W&C might be willing to sell you some.  Since they split to order for customers and some of those probably do not want their splits , they likely have some that they'd be glad to be rid of .. and probably cheaply.



Did you get a price for the 30 quantity? I have never asked about the price on them, it was on a price list I got a long time ago but prices from 2007 dont really transfer to prices today unfortunately.

The ones from across the water look good and the different colors are a nice option but sure the shipping would kill the deal, plus returning anything is out of the question.  

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Posted (edited)

I got a price list somewhere around here .....


SHOOOOT .. shoulda haddem through a couple dozen in the last order.  I found my 2015 price list, which aint QUITE so far back.  Looks like the splits are $1.25 - $1.50, dependin' on thickness.  So, $35-$40 each

Only question, then, is how long it would take me to use up 30  of 'em!

I considered the W/C too, but since they are splitting various, then the selection isn't consistent.  Maybe don't need to be for that matter.



Edited by JLSleather
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JLS what weight were you needing and do you know what weights they even offer? I don't have any myself, but have thought in the past if a couple or 3 people could go together on the splits to make the minimum, I think maybe I could use some. I suppose by the time ya get freight on it from St Louis to IA, then IA to SD, they wouldn't be so cheap anymore.

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Fer me, I was thinkin' about 3 oz.  I could live with 4, but not 2.

Some of us have talked about "poolin" funds for years -- and it's never happened!  Seems once we get past the talkin' stage, in the end it's usually a bunch of people wanting Jeff to be responsible.  Like if we don't like it...send it back to Jeff (yikes).

You, on the other hand, seem like a grown man -- so I'll keep you in mind ;)  I'll have to think about how many I might reasonably use up, say like before the end of the year.  Not 30 sides, but maybe 10-ish?



I'm pretty sure I know what splits are, but how do you utilise them?

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JLS, your post made me laugh, despite the fact that I am not a grown man, but a nearing-menopausal-hormone-crazed woman. Lol. That's ok, I can still handle a little humor. And as far as you being responsible if I don't like the leather, when I make a deal I stick to a deal. I buy what I buy and I stand behind what I sell. I wish everyone I deal with would do the same. I could use 4 oz, probably nothing lighter. Heavier would be great!  Would they be as big as a side, being splits, or would they be more like a back, since the belly is often a little lighter on an un-split side?  If we could find a third person, I'd go for 10 sides. Been really curious if they'd work like I think they would, in the application I'd like to use them in.  Bikermutt, a split is flesh on both sides. It's the piece that comes off the flesh side when splitting down a heavier piece of leather. So say they want  24 ft sides that are leveled to 7 oz.  While they might find smaller hides that run that light without splitting, any hide from a mature animal will have to be split down from heavier leather, like saddle skirting weight leather. I'd say most cowhide under 9/10 or 10/11 oz has been split. That's just a guess, but when I order light weight skirting, mostly it's full thickness, just lighter hides to start with. I get some 8/10's from W & C that don't seem to have been split much, but anything under that weight seems to usually have been split, assuming they're not from something that was half grown when slaughtered. And sorry, nothing personal but I'm going to keep this one to myself as to what I want them for. No big trade secret or anything, I just want to try it before I run my mouth. Jeff, see what you can get done. . . .Anyone else want to try 10 splits?? If a third person is game, I'm in. But nothing under 4 oz for me, that'd be the absolute lightest I'd want to go. Also Jeff, where in IA do you live? I get around quite a bit, and possibly could save the shipping from you to me.

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No fair No fair No fair No fair. Nothing in that list o stuff under your pic suggests girl stuff :)  But what I actually meant was you sound like you're responsible for your own choices (it's not quite down to you 'n' me, but close).

I'm in Fort Dodge, right on HWY 20. Haven't been up yer way in about 15 years.... ona these days I GOT to stop working and go do sumthing.  Gotta hurry, though.. wife is wanting to move to MN and don't look like I'm gonna git outta going too!  No trouble -- with 10,000 fishin' lakes I kin likely find SUMTHIN to do up that way.

The price sheet I dug up is last year, but it lists 2-4, 3/5, and then 4/6 and 5/7 but the last two say 'when available". :dunno:



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I'm unclear on whether you want the grain or flesh side splits. 

Wickett will split anything they sell with no minimums. They usually discard the splits.  I have them send them because they're tremendously useful for prototyping. They might sell them to you b

  • Contributing Member

Yep, I mean the sueded "under side" of "split"... not the top grain people normally think of as "leather".

W/C has sent me the splits on occasion, but since I'm splitting 10 oz down to 7.5 or 8 oz, the resulting split isn't much of anything useful to me.

Still haven't called to verify, but I am going to talk to HO to see if the 30 splits need to be all the same weight. 


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I was thinking these might be useful as lining for holsters and slings. I'm not a fan of chrome tanned anything touching a gun. 

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34 minutes ago, AEMcClain said:

I was thinking these might be useful as lining for holsters and slings. I'm not a fan of chrome tanned anything touching a gun. 

That is -- among other things - one of the uses I would want this for.  Someone will pipe in shortly to ask why not just order heavier leather to begin... but it aint the same.


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And I'm still interested:-) I'm going to be out of the shop for a week starting Monday the 8th and may not have internet access, so don't anyone get their panties in a bunch if something goes down with this and I don't respond or chime in:-) I'll be back the 15th.

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Near the end of this month my finances will look much better. I would be in for 10 splits. I operate under big boy rules so no worries there.

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Where you located?  I just spoke with Renee at HO who says that's not a problem combining weights.  I'd likely go with the 3/5 for what i'm doing.  She says she'd like the heavier 5/7 (BSS ↑).


Wait.. did someone just make reference to my underwear .. :crazy:



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Im located in Gate City, Virginia. 3/5 would work for me as well. Shipping shouldnt be too bad from you to me If you wouldn't mind throwing it in a box. It will be about 3 weeks before I can swing it. 

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Well, since we're talking about 10 sides, likely be more like throwing it in TWO boxes ;)


  • 3 weeks later...
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Are y'all still interested in a group order of splits? You can count me in for 10 sides of the 3/5.

  • Contributing Member


Still gotta verify some "stuff".  

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Sounds good.

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