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My round knife isn't perfectly round?

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I just ordered my first round knife. Did i get a defective round knife or are they all normally not exactly round?


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Normal, I dont have any head/round knives that are the same shape and none of them are perfectly half round. 

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You don't want round for most applications, unless it's for skiving maybe.  For cutting you want those ears on the side for inside corners.  I cut off board.  I use the middle for long sweeping cuts and the outside ears for sharper curves.  Particularly inside curves.  

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Nice knife.  As stated, its correct.  None of mine are circular.  Most are asymmetrical as well.

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I only have old knives, and they are not perfectly round nor totally symmetrical .. whether they started that way or not!  I've seen some old ones for sale that are practically triangular.  I suppose that has something to do with the skill of those that have sharpened them over the years.  It ain't easy to sharpen that much curve!


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