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Lets see your Letter carving. NO STAMPS

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If you carve your lettering I would like to see it. I am new and dont care for the letter stamps. Figured I would use my computer FONTS to create my lettering and just carve it.

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Here are a couple of my guitar straps that have carved letters.  (sorry Matt's is upside down).gallery_52894_2278_116884.jpggallery_52894_2278_1936080.jpg

Edited by billybopp

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1 hour ago, ToddMaine said:

If you carve your lettering I would like to see it. I am new and dont care for the letter stamps. Figured I would use my computer FONTS to create my lettering and just carve it.

Interesting, I'll be trying the computer fonts idea. Thanks!

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probably not what you are looking for since its not 3d but ... I was doing a little something for a Female Marine and wanted something pretty but not girly and just went digging through my fonts.



semper fi in leather sm.JPG

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name.jpg Assorted ...


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Here is a sampling of some of the letters I carved over the last few years.







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8 hours ago, TucanSam said:

That's some awesome lettering!

would kill for hands that steady to do that good of work

Thanks, it's a learned skill.   Jim Linnell's hands shake and he's one of the best in the world.  Keep at it.



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Reminds me of a barber near one of the bases I was at, guy must of been 70 yrs old and his hands shook all over the place. Scary as all heck the first time ya went there and he broke out the straight razor to finish up the cut, but that guy gave the best haircuts around and I never shed a drop of blood in his shop.

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Here is some of mine. I dislike using stamped letters as well. 






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On Sunday, February 26, 2017 at 4:17 PM, immiketoo said:

Here is a sampling of some of the letters I carved over the last few years.







My dislike for you grows daily! My journey to the dark side is almost complete 

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Here are a couple I've done on instrument straps.






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On 3/5/2017 at 11:21 PM, kiwican said:

My dislike for you grows daily! My journey to the dark side is almost complete 

Good.  Good.  Let the hate flow through you...

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