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Here is the third rig I have built - It's getting close to done now...

Broke an awl blade sewing the pencil roll - Never had that happen before - I am wondering if this is a technique issue...

Here are some pics.


Made a decent mark in cantle dish when awl blade snapped...think i will add the daisy stamp to cantle dish to help 'camouflage' it...Anyone have suggestions?

Saddle Details:

Swanke Tree, 16" seat, Inskirt rigged - Rigging at between 7/8th and 3/4...Guadalajara horn (3x4.25").

Next step is to finish sewing cantle binding, oil everything up and then final assembly.

Ron L

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Looks really nice to me Ron! FYI, I broke an awl blade sewing the binder on my 3rd saddle as well. I have no idea if it happens to others or not.

All the best, 


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Your saddle looks really good.  The lines are clean and the design looks balanced.  It's hard to believe that this is only your third saddle.  I'd like to see a photo of how you put in your rigging, and sewing in the top of the skirt assembly.

A little over a year ago I broke off an awl while sewing a binding.  The broken part of the needle still in the haft went through my thumb nail.  It was a Bob Douglas awl, and it takes a lot to break one of his.  Anyway, the reason it broke was that I was in a hurry and was not pushing straight on the needle.  Luckily, fresh blood wipes off leather fairly easily.

Keep up the good work.


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Josh,  Must have something to do with sewing the third cantle binding!

I have been using a parafin block and rubbing the awl on that - It helps it slide through easier - I was trying to really be careful on this binding and get my stitches on back to look nice - Probably put to much torque on blade trying to 'steer' it.

Goldshot, Yes, I use Bob Douglas awls too - Do you know if his blades are still available what with sheridan leather closing?  I ordered some of Barry King's when I snapped this one...

Glad you like the lines - I've tried hard on this one to get things looking better - There's so much good help available now - Through forums like this, DVD's etc.  In particular Keith Seidel has been very helpful on this forum and pointed out things on my last rig that needed attention...I also went and spent a couple hours with Chuck Stormes last summer and he really helped me...it gives amateurs like me a serious help to have that caliber of help available...

I'll take some pictures of the riggings and post them for you...A little nervous mind you as I had to figure out how to do that on my own...so not sure if what I did is 100%...

Hope your thumb healed up!


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The only way to guarantee never to break another awl blade is to quit sewing. After awhile you will become a connesueir of certain types of awl blade construction and still will have to deal with a broken one once in awhile. Learning to aim first and follow through without adjusting mid stroke to try to get it to come out straight will come with time.


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You have to call Bob Douglas to order items.  I don't have their number handy, but it should be easy to find.



Nice rig. Clean and balanced. I am glad to see you are finding time to work on saddles. If I remember correctly, this one has been in the works for a while.


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Hello Randy - I've had the tree for this saddle for quite a while - However, this one actually went quick for me - Started it in January and worked on it an hour or two on occasional evenings - So feels like it came together quick (saddle 2 took me over a year).

Here is the back of the cantle binding - I'm not good at the aim and follow through that Oltoot was referring to...So I definitely end up torquing up the awl blade trying to steer it.


Got my Barry King awl blades today - Look OK - So will have to see how they work!

I have also attached an image of how I worked the inskirt rigging...I used 4 stainless steel screws up front and two at front of cantle and two behind cantle.

Would like input on how others do inskirt rigs.  I'll try to get a pic of all how i sewed it and the rivets I added for reinforcement.



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