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Confessions of a leather worker or Why did I do that?

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I'm Fredo and I am a leather worker:

My confession is I can't wait, so as I sit here and watch the Chocolate dye bleed through the layer of white leather paint I used for the flower I'm confused.

I'm not confused as to why it's bleeding through, I know it's because I didn't wait long enough for the dye to dry. My confusion is: Why Did I Do That?

They say confession is good for the soul, maybe it is but it doesn't help the 5 hours of work I just ruined.

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All I can say to you Fredo is that you have fallen victim to the same thing that we have all done ourselves.  When I first started working with leather I was impatient too and I wanted to get finished with my current project so that I could move on to the next one.  However, I learned from this impatience that for every one I messed up or totally ruined I had gained insight into how important it was to let time be my friend.  As I continued my education and skills improvement towards ultimately making this a career/profession time truly did become my friend because in order for me to make the quality products that I do I have to wait patiently for the previous task to be properly completed (whether it means the leather has to dry or whatever) before I can move on.  I now move on to the next order and work on it until I get to a point where I need to let it do what it needs to do and then return to the previous order and take the next step.

As to why we did what we did?  I guess it really is just human nature to want to get it done as fast as possible, even though we know better than to do that.

On another note, I noticed your little closing line in the signature area, Infantry.  Your comment could not be more accurate as I have been a 12B, 19D, and 18Z during my years of service and we all end up doing the same thing, fight the enemy in every way possible and available.

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lol, yeah, patience is a virtue I don't have. I guess that is why working multiple projects in parallel is ideal so you can keep busy while stuff dries.


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2 hours ago, NVLeatherWorx said:


On another note, I noticed your little closing line in the signature area, Infantry.  Your comment could not be more accurate as I have been a 12B, 19D, and 18Z during my years of service and we all end up doing the same thing, fight the enemy in every way possible and available.

I was just finishing AIT in Aberdeen MD. About three days before we graduated (63H mechanic) Turkey and country that used to be called Cyprus started rattling sabers and they and they loaded us all on big C10s. I was sitting there with my M-16 in one hand and my tool box in the other. I guess I looked a little green around the gills (yeah I was scared) and our Master Sargent walked up to me and asked me if I was OK? I told him "Top, I'm a mechanic not infantry man" Hs response has bee with me since that day. Boy, when the shit hits the fan we's ALL 11 Bravos"  Of course we didn't go to war that night but the following week I was given orders to the 8th infantry Div....

11bravo 1.jpg

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I messed up tonight by working too late. It is plenty fixable and I didn't cut myself, but the whole time I was trying it....

I kept thinking this is stupid. 


Yep, I wanted to finish it tonight. 

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27 minutes ago, bikermutt07 said:

Yep, I wanted to finish it tonight. 

What were you working on? Pics or it didn't happen! :rolleyes2:

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7 hours ago, Rockoboy said:

What were you working on? Pics or it didn't happen! :rolleyes2:

Pics will come when I finish. Hehehe

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17 hours ago, battlemunky said:

lol, yeah, patience is a virtue I don't have. I guess that is why working multiple projects in parallel is ideal so you can keep busy while stuff dries.


Patience is a virtue.  I am far from virtuous.

- Bill

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37 minutes ago, billybopp said:

Patience is a virtue.  I am far from virtuous.

- Bill

Aren't we all!  But my military life required me to learn patience because you have to wait sometimes for the object of your mission to make itself present, and then you eliminate it with extreme prejudice.

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2 hours ago, NVLeatherWorx said:

Aren't we all!  But my military life required me to learn patience because you have to wait sometimes for the object of your mission to make itself present, and then you eliminate it with extreme prejudice.

Now I'm even more intimidated by your skills. Lol.

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I've ruined more projects through impatience than for any other reason. 

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2 hours ago, bikermutt07 said:

Now I'm even more intimidated by your skills. Lol.

Hey Mutt,

As long as you are on this side of the Dark Side, we are all good.  It is those who wish to be on the other side of the Dark Side that should worry.

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@NVLeatherWorx we really need a like button.

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me:  Why do I have so many stitching irons?  I need to sell some of these off.  I only use a few of them.

also me:  Oooh, thats a pretty stitching iron.  It looks nice with my other irons.  I bet it makes a perfect stitch line....


me:  Why do I have so many dang knives?  I need to sell some of these off.  I only use a few of them.

also me:  Wow, I bet that knife cuts awesome, and you never have to sharpen it, and after a fast strop, it'll skive vellum to an angstrom thick!  must have it....


me:  What am I going to do with all this leather???

also me:  What a great price on this fantastic bridle leather!  I could make so many awesome things with that!


and so it goes, on and on....


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6 hours ago, YinTx said:

me:  Why do I have so many stitching irons?  I need to sell some of these off.  I only use a few of them.

also me:  Oooh, thats a pretty stitching iron.  It looks nice with my other irons.  I bet it makes a perfect stitch line....


me:  Why do I have so many dang knives?  I need to sell some of these off.  I only use a few of them.

also me:  Wow, I bet that knife cuts awesome, and you never have to sharpen it, and after a fast strop, it'll skive vellum to an angstrom thick!  must have it....


me:  What am I going to do with all this leather???

also me:  What a great price on this fantastic bridle leather!  I could make so many awesome things with that!


and so it goes, on and on....


So true... I have 20 times the tools I need to do my work.  And I still see a new shiny one and think, hmmmm....

My confession:  Mm bench is a mess.  I clean it regularly but it always collects piles of stuff.  I blame it on lack of space, but I must admit that it would probably be the same no matter what.

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1 minute ago, immiketoo said:

 I blame it on lack of space, but I must admit that it would probably be the same no matter what.

I will attest to that. A little space is a little to clean up. I have several 8x4' benches that are covered with stuff that to be honest what is underneath:dunno: I have long forgotten.I sometimes sort of understand why the missus stops...or tries to stop me from building more sheds. :unsure:

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Exactly!  I always tell myself I'll one day have a wall for all my tools etc, and that I'll put them back immediately after using them.   Pfffft.


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1 minute ago, immiketoo said:

I'll one day have a wall for all my tools etc

I thought that's what flat surfaces was for........:P

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39 minutes ago, immiketoo said:

So true... I have 20 times the tools I need to do my work.  And I still see a new shiny one and think, hmmmm....

Mike, if you suddenly have nowhere to put some of your tools, you can send them to me :)
I do not claim to a swivel knife made of snag :)

Edited by ABHandmade

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1 hour ago, ABHandmade said:

Mike, if you suddenly have nowhere to put some of your tools, you can send them to me :)
I do not claim to a swivel knife made of snag :)

No problem.  Just send me your address and all your spare cash :)


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10 minutes ago, immiketoo said:

No problem.  Just send me your address and all your spare cash :)


I'm afraid that this trade operation will be extremely unprofitable for you :)

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