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Leather handbag "Bible"

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Out of curiosity - is there such thing as a "handmade leather handbag bible" - where one can read everything about the special techniques that goes into making a hand bag

Merry Christmas

Danish Man

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Depends what you mean by your description, but huge price.  


I was lucky enough to get an authorised photocopy, as a student where he was head of leather goods.

I have never seen one available.


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You could try and contact either the writer or his heirs to ask permission to make it available in PDF, might be a nice earner for you

I think for books the copyright is 70 years after their death

Seems a shame to not make the information available to the public at reasonable prices

Edited by chrisash

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There are lots of other Handbag and hndbag making books out there, Amazon has loads, its just my view that Wally Double'ssis the closest to a 'bible'.

I understood that 1 of the lecturers from 1980s / 1990s was intending to write another book, but there's no mention of it on the Leather Connection.website.

If it was written I'd love a copy.


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'Handbag Making' search in Amazon Books, gives a great range, including an interesting looking one:

Handbag Designer 101: Everything You Need to Know About Designing, Making, and Marketing Handbags by Emily Blumenthal  and

The Bag Making Bible by Lisa Lam - it must be right, its got 'bible' in the title


As an addition to mine about Wally Double's above AND BEFORE YOU SHELL OUT $200 on a book... I have discussed it with another ex student of the College, and there view was it can be hard to follow at times, I thought if fair to include their perspective. It is a technical book, and light on illustrations.



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11 minutes ago, fivewayswelshcobs said:

Try your local library, I managed to borrow a copy.

Thank you for the suggestion but my local library has nothing on handbags, and the central library in Norwich (UK) says they cannot help or bring books in from elsewhere... Services seem to be really restricted now.

Also the OP is in Denmark, so I am unsure if their libraries would have them, as they're all English language books.




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