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FB Group Celebrating the Stohlmans

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I have recently joined this FB group, and the work being shown is AMAZING!!  It started just 2 days ago, and already has over 1,000 members.

If you are interested, google "Facebook Ann and Al Stohlman Group". I think Peter Main is the organizer behind it.

And oh, the regret I feel when I find out Ann and Al spent over 20 years in my neck of the woods, just at a time in my teens when I developed an interest in leather work, but let it drop because I hadn't a clue what I was doing, and there was no one to mentor me... :bawling:

We also had a Radio Shack/Tandy store that wasn't too far away, where I could have bought what I needed to get started.



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If you ever get a chance to go the leather show in Sheridan be sure to go Kings Rope store in town & check out the awesome display of Ann & Al's work,actual workbenches & stories that they have about them.

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Sorry..I don't do facebook..but facebook claims that I now have hundreds of followers, even though I opened a business page there in facebook's 1st year..( to block others using my business name ) and I have never posted any content..but, when I log in..I "have hundreds of followers"..the number increases each time I log in....to whom I could advertise .. ;) later, facebook allowed anyone to use the "name" providing they do so in a "different category"..seems that you can "invent your own category" there nowadays..some categories are remarkably close..if not identical..to my original one..Mark Z wouldn't know ethics if they jumped up and bit him ..

I could send a nastygram ( even from a lawyer ) to facebook, wouldn't change anything..if Congress ( or maybe it was the Senate ) can't get him to tell the truth/ change his ways..

Edited by mikesc

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Thank you for sharing this.... just joined :)

I live in Kamloops which is just 40 minutes from Cache Creek where they lived for many years but sadly I was not interested in leather at that time.  :(


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There is also the school of thought that says...if everyone goes to facebook, "walled garden and tracking and privacy invasions included "..forums like thsi one, will lose traffic to them, and members..and eventually die..as has happened to thousands of specialist fora since facebook began groups ( private or public ) ..which is something that I ( who have been "on the web" since the mid 90s), will fight against..facebook is unnecessary..it is easy to set up a website..or add a category on an existing independent website..such as this one..


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The Stohlman FB page (as well as other leather related FB pages) is interesting to see some of the memorabilia and people's stories.  However all these various FB groups are not easily searchable for content when you are trying to find answers or ideas.  So I don't expect them to have much impact on leatherworker.net.  I see some of the FB people moving here to find help.


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Exactly, Tom!  However, some of the designs posted are downloadable, and the photos are a good source of inspiration to leatherworkers of all abilities.

I've already downloaded a couple of Al's wallet templates for possible future use. He WANTED people to use them - he was always teaching! Even in the scenes he did for the Tandy calendar, he'd leave part of the picture unfinished, and stamp the tools he'd used beside the picture to show people which ones were needed for finishing the picture.

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Exactly, Tom!  However, some of the designs posted are downloadable, and the photos are a good source of inspiration to leatherworkers of all abilities.

I've already downloaded a couple of Al's wallet templates for possible future use. He WANTED people to use them - he was always teaching! Even in the scenes he did for the Tandy calendar, he'd leave part of the picture unfinished, and stamp the tools he'd used beside the picture to show people which ones were needed for finishing the picture.

Well.as long as there is free stuff to download, templates, designs, patterns etc..uploaded by people who own the copyright and the legal right to upload them and make them available for download..it's all good .. :) ...

But , as a designer who lives by selling my designs and creations..I won't be visiting..

Just to add ..If people from here are going to the facebook group to "download" templates and stuff by Stohlman at the same time as YinTx is selling original Stohlman books here at less than half price..and as yet has no "takers"..kinda shows who is going in which direction, to where, and for what..kinda proves my point made above in a previous post..people only have 24 hours in a day..they only allocate a certain amount of  time to being on the web..once facebook hooks them in with it's ( "free stuff and designs are downloadable and everyone is there and it's a source of inspiration )..then the time they spend elsewhere is reduced.. facebook is unethical, and parasitic..

Edited by mikesc

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