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Hoping for help with my new patcher (Adler 30-1)

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I would like to remind you that "patchers" were built for shoe and boot repairs

That's all well and good, but in my case, as of today anyway, this is the only machine I've got so I've gotta make-do... if I can... for whatever stitching requirements might come up.

I do grok that there is a right tool for the right job, and this machine is most certainly not it for a lot. Let's face it, it definitely less than versatile compared to the modern, better designed machines. But you dance with the one who brung ya, and today she's a bit homely and awkward. If I take to this working leather thing enough to make it worth it, I don't have a problem investing in machine(s) which will make the process a joy to do as opposed to a wrestling match.

I guess the more I struggle with this Adler, the more I'll appreciate the newfangled sweetness should I decide to step it up in the future.

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I just bought a 30-1 Adler sewing machine. Wondering what the best needle and thread is for sewing leather between 1-9 oz veg tan leather. Anything that I should know about or to look for in this machine? 

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