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Singer 31k48

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So, I have just picked up a singer 31k48 and I am desperately searching for information...

Apparently the motor is cactus, so I am looking at the servo motors on eBay (also looking at a servo for a 132k6)... But the concept of making it a portable hand crank machine is somewhat appealing, is that as simple as a box/base for it to operate in and a handle on the wheel?

I would love any information I can get my hands on, as well as any ideas on needles, sizes and where to get them, and any parts resources. So far I have found the parts manual, but that's it. Information on these machines seems to be very scarce!

If anyone can recommend a mechanic who can work on these old machines anywhere near Adelaide, South Australia, I would be extremely appreciative!


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There is a little information around for these old machine, but I cannot help you with a mechanic, as I do most of the work on my machines.

ISMACS International lists this machine as, " Wheel feed. Roller presser. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Clearance under roller presser 5/16". Shuttle #19292. For leather work. Speed 2000. " It list the needle as 16x6

Singer made other machines in 31 class with roller feed, like 31K 17 & 18 and 31K45, so I think the manuals would be similar.


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Thanks for that Bert, I had found that listing, but hadn't actually sifted out the needle info there... I found a post from a few years ago where someone said that leather needles for these were hard to find, I will have a hunt with that size you found and see what comes up.

The machine was obviously left behind at a country property (close to the Barossa actually) and the people who have bought the place don't want/need it... I picked it up for next to nothing, so I don't mind spending some money making sure it's working properly, but it seems fairly clean and turns over smoothly by hand... Hopefully it works and does what we need it to, because it's a whole lot less intimidating than the K6!

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Sounds like a good "buy".;) It shouldn't be too hard to work on one of these (unless you're a complete mechanical numpty) and I would think any manuals covering models from the 31 series in general should help. As for the needles, if you can't (easily) find the correct size then just find the closest common modern needles and adjust the needle bar to use them.

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I have a couple 31 class machines and I use 135x16 and 135x17, it's not had to adjust the needle bar if they do not fit perfectly.

I may have the instructions here some where if you need them.


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It's not that I'm a COMPLETE mechanical numpty, there are parts missing... Lol... More that I'm aware of my limitations, both in ability and time available! I'd love to be able to take it to someone who can give it a good going over and make sure it's all ok... I should be able to maintain from there. But I'm already getting in trouble for having so many machines sitting in that same boat... When I've got time! Lol.

This instructions for that modification would be great Bert, I've found a few places with 16x6 needles, but they do seem a bit limited, so if we can open that up... Do you have a source for bobbins for these machines? I haven't really had chance to look closely, but it looks like they could almost be normal domestic ones?

Cheers for your help guys.

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I will go looking for them shortly.

Bobbins for the 31 class machines a said to be CB bobbin, but you will need to check the spindle on your bobbin winder as I have several with different center sizes.

My 31K47 bobbin number id 2996, but when I ordered I received CB bobbins which just spin on the shaft, it is only .5 of a mm, but I think they are useless. All the sellers I have purchased bobbins off do not know what I and talking about when I ask the size of the hole in the center.


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I bought bobbins for some of my machines from Elizabeth Sewing Machines on Richmond Rd, Adelaide. They specialise in industrial machines and generally have a good range of needles and bobbins. If you take in what you've got if they haven't got it/can't get it they might be able to match it up with what they do have. I've found them to be very helpful.

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Thanks for that Bert, I will print that and have a read... Hope it soaks in by osmosis while I'm working on other stuff! Lol...

Thanks Dikman, I didn't even think of them, but then I didn't know they'd moved out of the city either!!! Lol... Last time I went in there they were still on Sturt St... Do you know if they have a mechanic there now? Last I heard he'd passed away...

I found a Gumtree ad for Les Hockenhull, sewing machine mechanic... Does anyone know if he's any good? I'm going to give him a call when we get everything sorted I think, get him to look at both machines... 

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They moved about a year or so ago, as for a mechanic I've no idea as I've only ever bought needles and bobbins from them.

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Hello, Buzzboi,

I know I'm responding to an old post, but did you get the 31K48 working, or are selling it on Gumtree now, is this your photo, do you want a spare machine  I'm interested in the Table only for a 31-19

Cheers Glyndon  


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Please excuse the "Joanne comment" in the photo, it annoys me as It comes up  on every post ( I changed the default  comment, now it shows up with that comment all the time) 


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Sorry its on facebook not gumtree 

Cheers Glyndon 

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Better late than never . As always seems to be the case .

I have a couple of singer 31k48's . A beautiful machine as are all in the 31K series . I got mine from an old shoe maker mate and they really needed some love . They were working only just so i decided to go full restoration . Apart from being a shoemaker i am also a mechanical engineer with all the right equipment to do the job and a large workshop in which to do the work . I am not big on photos so i don't have any before photos but i did take the after photos . 

 looks like i will have to post the photos in 3 different posts because the files are too big. Below is one i decide to paint white because why not . Its easy to see the sewing process and i think looks pretty good . It is missing 2 parts the flywheel which i dropped and cracked and a little funny looking spring that attaches to the bobbin casing which i know i fill find or retrofit one day .

white 31K48.JPG

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Part 2 . This one is working well and in operation I use for shoe uppers . I have it on a treadle stand because i can go real slow to get around tight curves when doing brogues and very precise detail  

royal blue.JPG

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Part 3 . The image below shows the machine on its treadle frame which i sand blasted and had powder coated in a hard to describe hammer tone silver/black 

 I have since moved it to another treadle frame with a smaller main wheel which gives me a lower speed and higher torque . Treadle frames can be a bit funny depending on what machine and what you are sewing  I like the wheel of a 29k patcher because it is small and has 2 grooves equaling 2 speeds . This big wheel treadle frame now powers a 31K20 upholstery machine . I am yet to experiment with a servo motor but my hip is telling me to get one soon . 

I hope you guys find these photos interesting 

treadle 31k48.JPG

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I had trouble uploading the photos because they were to big so i had to reduce the last one so it would send . I had quite a few attempts . I have the photos on my phone which i had to email to myself and grab them off the computer to post here .  Is there an etiquette on how big or small my photos should be ?

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  On 7/31/2023 at 12:04 PM, Tastech said:

I hope you guys find these photos interesting 

Very nicely done.


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Thanks Kgg. I see you are into sewing machines as well and you have a 29k71

This one is for you .

from this heap of rust to this beauty .Its a 29K53



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  On 8/1/2023 at 10:18 AM, Tastech said:

I had trouble uploading the photos because they were to big so i had to reduce the last one so it would send . I had quite a few attempts . I have the photos on my phone which i had to email to myself and grab them off the computer to post here .  Is there an etiquette on how big or small my photos should be ?

Most users do not need to view high res photos as they are using phones or monitors that can't display at high res.  It is also a favour to users on limited bandwidth connections as it can take several minutes to hours to download high res photos.

Some helps and suggestions are located in this thread.  There are many more helps and file re-sizers on the web.

800 pixels or 1024 pixels are great for display here.  You can post many photos in a post if you re-size to these limits.

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@Tastech Great job there!!

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  On 8/1/2023 at 1:32 PM, Tastech said:

This one is for you

Very nicely done. I do like the color adds a bit of class.


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