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What is causing the skip stitch

my bobbin is ''drop'' tested for correct tension

top tension is the same as the bottom, as far as i can tell


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What machine are you using? Most likely needle hook timing is off or needle bar is to high or too low.


Edited by Constabulary

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A patcher machine.

I can adjust the bobbin gear by one gear tooth and see if that helps


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ouh - sorry for that kind of machine I have no timing values... But when do a google search with "Timing Chinese Patcher site:leatherworker.net/forum" something may pop up.


This guy has some videos reg. the Chinese patcher - maybe helpful for you:



Edited by Constabulary

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could be needle thread combo. ice been using my 401 for some light leather sewing and it was skipping due to wrong needles, when I got the leather needles and right thread it works great now.


Edited by chuck123wapati

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From a post back in 2016 by Darren Brosowski , I think the first part means with the handle at the 9 o'clock position.:

"Turn the handwheel until the needle is at its bottom point.

- Put the shuttle driver in with the 1/3rd moon bit alongside the needle - two thirds towards the front (your side of the machine) and one third behind the needle."





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This can have many reasons, and I just name two which is not said already. If the fabric in some way are lifted when the needle goes up, then you get skipped stitches. The foot needs to hold the fabric down in a firm way. You may also look for the distance between the hook and the needle. I think you want it to be about 0.2 mm, but I suppose a manual or others expierience may give you the right distance. If the distance is too big, you get skipped stitches. If it is too Little, the hook may hit the needle too much, when the needle is a bit bended.

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Join the Facebook group dedicated to these machines. Chinese Leather Shoe Patcher Plenty of helpful people that have gotten all the kinks out of the machine and can help others get theirs going.



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It was the needle depth . 

My needle was a tad long

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If you where to use the needle height off any 29 series, as a guide to the hook position and you should be good.


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