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Tips on making a padded guitar strap?

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Fellow from church wants me to make him a guitar strap, which I consdered to be no big deal 'til he told me he wanted it padded....yikes! What to do what to do???

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You could use foam, or cotton batting (from a fabric shop, or from an upholstery shop). You don't need a lot, so an upholstery shop could get you scrap stuff for filling for very little $$$. If you have a source for the neoprene strap material that is used for camera straps (stretchy, resilient, about 1/8'' or 3/16'' thick & won't lose its loft over time), this would be ideal. Check out walmart for neoprene camera straps- they're pretty reasonably priced & you may only need a little for the strap padding, in which case, you have additional stuff for the next padded strap. Whatever- you need to factor the strap into the final cost.

If walmart doesn't know what you're looking for, go to a camera shop- they could at least show you what they look like so you can go back to wallyworld & find it.

The neoprene needs to be sandwiched between your top piece & an underside piece of leather (suede is a good choice, cause it doesn't slip as easily as would a piece of smooth leather. Glue the 2 pieces of leather together & handsew (unless you have the luxury of machine sewing) :)

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On the rifle slings I just made, I used a felt like material in between the carved leather and the lining. I used chap leather with the rough side out for the lining to give it some grip. I think cotton batting might work too. Not sure if it would just flatten out due to the weight of the guitar hanging on it after awhile. I'll be interested to see what others recommend.


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Because of the possibility of the felt or cotton batting losing loft & flattening because of weight, this is why I recommended the use of the neoprene foam camera strap as padding: it will not flatten and will support a tremendous amount of weight. When I did professional photography shoots on location, I would carry a camera case loaded with 15 to 20 lbs of equipment slung on my shoulder supported by one of these straps. I think a portion of foam camera strap used as inner padding, possibly skived toward the edges, would provide for a comfortable padding.

Edited by whinewine

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Thank you so much for asking this question. I've been wondering the same thing. I want to make myself a strap and a few for my friends.

If you can please post a few pictures as your making it. I need all the help i can get. LOL.

I can't wiat to see it. Thanks!

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Thanks for all the GREAT replies :) Will see if the fellow comes through and places a real order. He seemed really interested, but y'all know how that goes...

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Did he call yet? Foam. The kind you buy by the thickness from the fabric store. It's not expensive, and it's useful to have some in the shop. Put some Cabretta on the back, stitch it in place and he will be thrilled. The hardest part to guitar straps is remembering to look at the guitar and see how they will connect best, and then measuring the person with the guitar at the height they want to wear it (gotta be just right when stitching in padding or carving designs) You can make the straps adjustable, but charge more. Measure the one he's using now and go by it rather than any measurement he gives you over the phone. LOL Hope you pick up the job, can't wait to see pics.


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Thanks :) Haven't heard back yet, but it's someone I see regularly, so hopefully that will keep me in his mind as the one to get the thing done. I just don't know how interested he is. I do know the strap he has is deteriorating, so if he does play a lot he'll need a new one.

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Another source for neoprene is a pawn shop that may sell used scuba gear. Wet suits are made out of neoprene & you should be able to get many uses out of that.

Edited by GoldenKnight

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OK, I'm gonna admit this. I pad all my guitar straps, and I buy the preschool foam at wallyworld. It has a sticky back to stick to the flesh side of the guitar strap, and then I use barge over that to glue the lining material, and the sew it all together. I'm serious, in PRIMARY colors even, LOL. I think I got 6- 8x11 sheets for a couple bucks. Both musicians wearing them consistently say they are really comfortable :-) Cheryl

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Foamforyou.com They have neoprene at good prices. Quick shipping too. I believe they have 1/8". I just bought 1/4".

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Yoga Mats, camping mats, closed cell foam.

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