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About Johanna

  • Birthday July 12

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ohio USA

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    making good coffee
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    it found me

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Johanna's Achievements

Leatherworker.net Regular

Leatherworker.net Regular (4/4)

  1. Welcome, John! We are a people of sharp knives and big hammers, and most of us would rather be in the shop than updating a website or trying to figure out where the email disappeared to. If anyone needs tech assistance, call John. Some of you REALLY need to get your websites looking like it's 2025. John can fix you up without breaking the bank. I'm going to start him off with a simple leather project. Then the leather bug will bite him and he will be collecting hides and tools like the rest of us. It's inevitable. Muhahahahah! ~J
  2. until
    Workshops (begin on 10/6), vendors, leatherwork from Guild members competitions For more details https://www.wheatstateleatherguild.com/ifolg Salina, Kansas
  3. We had 25 posts per page, and I set it to 10. This forum was around before smart phones and thumb scrolling. @Wizcrafts Is there anything we can unpin from the Sewing Machines Forum? Search function is back online.
  4. Should be a 2 hour window for edits by members.
  5. I didn't change any edit settings. I'm off to find them now. ~J
  6. I don't have an SSL on the server, just the sites. It's safe to bypass the warning. Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies?
  8. I noticed your email isn't bouncing anymore. Are you receiving it now? I think our old IP was on a spam list because of the bitcoin hacker. Now that we've changed IPs there are almost no bounces. DNS should be resolved by noon tomorrow. That's what they promised, anyway! Hahaha
  9. Yep. Exactly. We have a new IP address. Just for fun, type "leatherlady.net" in and see if that takes you to the forum directly.
  10. At the bottom of the page you can toggle between themes. I will make changes as you ask for them, or make a third theme. The next board update in a month or two will allow the board to display in dark mode at night on a mobile. I could hack it now, but it's coming, and I have other things still on the list for now. Tell me what to change adjust or fix in "second choice" theme.
  11. We did lose a bit of content. The migration finished this morning and I changed the DNS servers. I realized we had half on the old server and half on the new so I force logged everyone out in order to call up the new server as people came back online. I'm looking at improved spam detection right now. I just had to get this other stuff squared away first. ~J
  12. The migration has begun. We are going to a fancy new server to handle the traffic. All will be well in a few hours. If it gets too bad, I'll shut the board off.
  13. Yes. That wasn't an issue yesterday before I thought I fixed it. I'm getting a lag too.
  14. I have a fob for the car I drive, but this ring of keys lives in my purse. When it was smaller and had my car key I let the braided tail hang out of my pocket to grab it quickly. People noticed it all the time and wanted one, too. Now it’s a 35 year old piece of braided goatskin hidden next to my tissues and epi pen. 🤣 The little things do make a difference.
  15. If you folks get an extra minute, please use the search function hard so that we can be sure all is well with it and it is performing as it should. Thank you!
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