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Everything posted by PurpleBronc

  1. Thanks. I didn't paint the bell, bought it like that Molly is a Jersey x
  2. Cowbell collar I just finished for a house cow. Any comments/critique welcome......
  3. That is such a nice picture! Very cute face. How does the laser work for leather? Is it just printed on, or has it actually got depth to it, like tooling?
  4. I would say wither straps or slobber straps, as they are not so big so quicker to make!
  5. They look good! What sort of paint did you use? Was it specially made for leather? And did you have to put anything on first, or just paint straight on the leather? Am working on a project, and looking into painting some parts of it.
  6. I use cooking oil on leather items I have made as a first coat to help get it nice and soft. It works great, and is much cheaper than some of the other oils you can buy.
  7. Thanks for putting up the photos. I will be having to do this to my riding boots when I get the time, so it's good to see how you did it. If you had to use sole leather to replace the soles, and you needed to make holes for sewing, what would you use to make them? I'm scared to break my awl, because that sole leather is quite thick and hard. Thanks!
  8. These look really good! Did you stitch by hand or machine? I made a pair once, but I had to fix them about a month later, cause the seams went and the stuffing burst out! I think the leather I used was too thin.
  9. It looks kind of flat to me, like in the face is all smooth, instead of having the muscles in the face and the bone behind the eye defined as in the reference photo. The fur looks more like lines not fur. I think with the main edges and direction of fur defined, and then just a hint in a few small patches would look a lot better. A modelling spoon works great for doing muscles and fur. Here's one of a stag I did a while ago, so you can get a bit of an idea what I mean. It's not perfect, by any means! Looking back, you always notice little things you should have done different. Keep up the work,' Handy Dave' They say practice makes perfect!
  10. Thanks, good to know! I was thinking it doesn't look strong enough to sew leather.
  11. Does anyone know what this sewing machine is for? Like is it for sewing harness leather, sole leather, or only fabric? Also is there a manual for it? I've looked online, but can't seem to find out anything about it. There is a number on it, H 742823, and I got some photos too.
  12. I really like the square skirts and tooling patterns.
  13. Hey, has anyone ever done anything with resoling cowboy boots? Have an old pair I'm trying to do, and any tips would be helpful. Thanks!
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