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Everything posted by Trox

  1. Hawgman! 25 Nov 10.08 Norway Time I`m on my way to the post office! I send it as a letter free of charge. (Cost only 6 USD) Tor
  2. I’m sewing back 5 or more stitches, then I close the seam with a hammer. Compressing the leather around the thread. Many layer of stitches make the seam ugly, especially with a thick thread. Tor
  3. Very Nice work! Pls let me know how! Mail sent! Trox
  4. Thanks Hawgman! I’ve sent an email to the Norwegian postal service yesterday, and asked for the price sending it cash on delivery to the States. No answer yet. No time on Monday, but Tuesday I’m free to send it. I’ll send you a PM with the price and more info when I have it. There is lots of this old shoe repairing units for sale here in Norway. They are cheap to, because shoemakers and saddlers are a dying breed here. On Monday I’m picking up a used Adler 204-64 with a efka position motor, I bough for 4000 NOK (700 US $) and It’s in good condition. New it cost more than 100000 NOK here. I’ve got 2 working shoe sewing machines. One Adler and a Singer, and one Adler spare part machine. And 3 big saddler sewing machines. I can only use one at the time and this bobbin winders will not break anyway. So I’m only happy to help you! Later! Tor
  5. Hi Hawgman! You got to click on the little English flag to right on the Sick web site for your language! (there are no spare parts on the web site, you must send him an email and ask for it) I’ve got a bobbin winder for you! It’s a little rusty but I will put it in coca cola to night and it will be ok in the morning. You can have it for free but you must pay for freight yourself. I live faraway from you, Oslo in Norway (not to far from the north pole). Its between 70 and 100 gram heavy, I don’t know the shipping price but check with UPS or Us postal. The rubber ring is missing, but that you can find anywhere or make your self. I will check the price on cash on delivery with the Norwegian Post service for you if you want it? I’ve got an extra Adler 30-10 spare part machine, one that I got for free. I’m happy to help a fellow leather crafter! Here is some pic. Of it! It will not cost U more than 60 Us $ in freight, maybe less. If you can use it? It yours! Tor
  6. Hi Ginny! They still produce the Adler class 30 machine in a newer version but many parts are the same, like the presser foot spring for example . You can by spare parts for your machine Adler 30-1 in Germany. Speak to Andreas Kern in Sieck International Germany www.sieck.de sieck@t-online.de . They are rebuilding and selling used leather machinery and are experts on Adler sewing machines. I got 2 Adler 30 class my self and I have no problem getting parts for them, even here in Norway the have the most common spare parts in stock. Sieck also have parts list and manuals for sale, but if you need user manual you can go to http://parts.singerco.com/ and download manuals for the singer 29k. I also have the Singer 29k - 72 and the only difference between them and Adler class 30 are the pressure spring, in operating it is the same. YOU COULD USE A OPERATING MANUAL! When these Adler machines gets worn out you will have a shorter stitch length, there are some trick to fix that but the best thing are to by some new parts for the feeding mechanism. Don’t start with the timing but read the operating manuals and treading guide first. (Adler machines like one size lighter tread in the bobbin) Good luck! Tor
  7. Hi Greg! The Singer 17-23 is an old industrial cylinder bed machine with drop feed across the arm. Feed dog at left of the needle and roller presser foot. The machine was made for shoe production and smaller leather works. Max tread size is 20 and stitch lengths about 4 to 5 mm, but You have to ask seller if it takes heavier tread. You can find information on these machines on Singerco.com. Look under industrial products, there you can download old manuals on pdf`s. You can also find info on this link: http://www.industrialsewmachine.com/webdoc1/used/used-singers/17.htm the Singer 17 was not made for heavy leather works, to sew belts you will need a heavier tread size 12, 10 or 8, and a longer stitch. The Machine won’t handle this. In my country (Norway), you can find the singer 17 very cheap. You got to move up in class. Look at these classifications: http://www.ferdco.com/1/3.php. Depending on where you lives, but I recommends German Durkop Adler or Juki from Japan. Singer has the patents but not the quality. I have 3 singer machines my self. The biggest of them a Singer 144w 305 is made in USA has ok quality, the other 2 is made in Scotland are crap. I hope this was at some help! Reg. Trox
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