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Everything posted by Trox

  1. Hello Arno! The Dealer In Germany is Sieck International Sieck GmbH & Co. Industriemaschinen KG Otto-Hahn-Straße 12 95447 Bayreuth (Germany) Phone: +49 921 7647 40 Fax: +49 921 7647 420 www.sieck.de The machine cowboy 4500 have the brand Sieck 411. with Sieck International The brand FEIFENG is also a cowboy machine and you can find it in the UK and some other places. Trox
  2. Hello Ulli! I also have a Adler 5-27 and I love this machine. I have been looking for that manual for a very very very long time. Please send me a copy and thank you very much! My email is: tor dot rougseth att online dot no It is hard to get parts for the class 4 and 5 to, I was looking for a tension screw for the shuttle for a long time. I had to buy a new ( second hand) shuttle from sieck.de Germany to solve it. Sieck has some parts for the class. In advance Thanks! Regards Trox
  3. Hi! I bought a 600-watt brushless servomotor from Cobra Steve for my Adler 67 upholstery machine 145 Usd. He had to order mine from china because I use 220V (Norway), but the 110V he has in stock. It is a very strong motor with a led and a dial on the front. You can set the maximum speed from 100 to 3600 rpm/min. This motor is made for the heavy stitchers; it is very direct on the foot pedal and brakes instantly. (stepless change of speed on the foot pedal) It will make your Singer 111 W very strong and controllable. He also has a servomotor with needle position. See video on the web page: http://www.leathermachineco.com/. The motor weigh only 5, 5 kg and that is a good thing, shipping to Norway only 75 Usd. I am very happy with the motor and Steve’s service.

  5. Hello Jim! The Tippermann and GA 5 has the wrong feed and is both yesterdays news. The Toro 3200 has the right triple feed and will sew thicker stuff. But if I was to buy a new machine I would speak to Cobra Steve here. And buy a Cobra 3 or 4 machine. You will get the best machine for the price, you will also get the best support . Trox
  6. Hello Millman! There are parts lists for some of the singer motor's on singerco.com Taking things apart is how we learn, and it fun to. I got several old singer clutch motor laying around. I would have given you one for Free, but i am located in Norway, and they weighs a ton. Trox i
  7. The stitches seems loose! Are you sure you got enough bobbin tension? The spring you talk about is it the bobbin push-out spring? It is conical and goes under the bobbin. Try to turn it the other way and see if it that helps. And check your treading to. Trox
  8. Hello Custom Doug! This is a old black Adler 30 painted green. From this pic. I can not see any details, but it do not look good! 350 Usd. is a no go! Trox
  9. Shuttle hook for a Adler class 5 or 4 sewing machine wanted, new or used.
  10. You are a true Master!


    Oslo Norway

  11. Hei! Ja en Efka variostop!? Jeg har en Adler 204 med efka variostop, litt eldre enn din men har posisjon og kan sy så sakte jeg vil. I tilegg har jeg montert en Speed reducer så den er sterk som en Svensk Norsk grense bjørn. En Adler 205 370 står på ønskelisten min, men jeg har ikke råd nå. Fordi jeg har kjøpt så mange andre maskiner. Har snart huset fyldt med sy maskiner. Jeg får klare meg med min gamle Adler 5-27 så lenge. (modellen før Adler 105 med jump fot) veldig god maskin, men håpløst å få tak i deler til den. Nei når vi snakker om sy maskiner så er det nazi mekanikken som gjelder! Usa har jo også noen fantastiske Needle and awl maskiner, men hvor ofte har man bruk for å sy en inch of leather? jeg kan ikke huske å ha gjort det noen gang. Det som er viktig er å ha noe man trives å jobbe med og som ikke trenger justering for hver ny ting man skal sy. Når det gjelder pressisjon og kvalitet er det tyske i en klasse for seg selv. Så har du annen håndverdien, du finner aldri en billig Adler maskin. På Kina klonene ruster alle skruene opp på et år ( noen er bra andre dårige) Skal man sy veldig tykke matterialer kan man få tak i en Adler klasse 20 eller 120 (syr 1 inch uten noe problem) Hvis man skal ha en friarm maskin som syr enda grovere enn 205`en gjør, kan man modefisere litt. Få tak i et større svinghjul og bygge høyere løft etc. Slik som Ferdco gjorde med sine Bull maskiner og Kina gjør med sine Juki kloner. Eksempel; Adler 105 Bull. Jeg har tenkt å finne ut hvor jeg får tak i disse modifirerings delene. Det er et lite prosjekt jeg har for fremtiden, når og hvis jeg får det til skal jeg si ifra. Det er flere Kinesiske produsenter som lager deler som passer Adler maskiner og jeg har handlet deler der før. En Adler 205- 370 med med høyt løft, Mega flywheel, speed reduser, luft og Efka posisjon motor det er The real Dream Machine! He he! Vi snakkes! Hilsen a sewing machine freak Tor
  12. Hei! It is the Dream machine! Glem Kina cloner Adler ruler! Bra Jobb! Jeg ble inspirert! Tor
  13. Hello John! What is a split arm machine? (I am Norwegian) Can you please explain? Is it a machine like this my 29K 72 Long arm big bobbin with a cluch motor you are looking for? Trox
  14. Hammering the seam so the stitches closing around the thread. Then cut the thread all off with a sharp pointed scissors dont burn it. Trox
  15. If you search the sewingmachine forum for "durkopp" you will find it. I just did and It is the one that you can not get parts for: The price is to high! dont buy it! Trox
  16. This is from Durkopp Adler List over sewingmachine classes Durkopp class 16-1 : Universal-elastic sewing machine for shoe repairs Cylinder, 330 and 380 mm, with the smallest cylinder head CLASS 17-1-1: E sewing machine for shoemakers, heart-shaped curve for the Needle bar drive, otherwise similar in construction to the class 16-1, Cylinder length 380 mm, small head This seems like a shoepatcher with the smallest shuttle and is for shoe repair light work. I do not think this is the machine you need for that work. You should ask Bob Kovar (sewmun) about this machine he knows. But I think it is not possible to get parts for it, something about a factory bombed during the ww2. I dont know, but ask Sewmun (Bob Kovar knows) And he also sell used machines. If you want to by a shoe patcher buy a Singer 29K or a Adler class 30 with a big bobbin for about the same price. You can still buy all the part you need for them. And you need spare parts for old sewingmachines! Ask sewmun or you may find some info in the forum about this machine to. Hope this was a little help. Trox quote name='rgerbitz' timestamp='1286666165' post='170012'] This machine is for sale for $200 near me. I am wondering wether or not it would work for sewing leather for bridles, breast collars, and such. Thank you, Rob
  17. Thanks! But this is an old machine made before the metric standard came. First I thought it was metric treads as well, but metric dont have diameter 2,4 mm. It like this M 2 M2,5 M3 and so on. I got this same topic going in the sewing machine section and I I got some help there to. But Thanks anyway! Trox [, quote name=BIGGUNDOCTOR' timestamp='1286505884' post='169854] Seeing how Adler is a German company I am going to say that it is a metric screw. If you don't know already, a metric screw is sized by the diameter , and pitch (spacing of threads). They differ from inch thread identification in that the pitch is the actual measurement from say one tip to the next one, as opposed to however many threads per inch for an inch thread. Example of Inch threads 1/4"-20. 1/2"-13, etc... Diameter is the first dimension followed by the number of threads in one inch of length. Metric threads 8-1.25MM. 12-1.75 MM Diameter in MM's followed by the spacing of the threads in MM's. Smaller threads will be .5, .7 etc. mm With that being said, do you have a hardware store near you that can get an accurate measurement of the thread s for you? At work I use a micrometer, and a thread pitch gage as some metric sizes are very similar to inch sizes (we have both in use ), and some metric sizes are also close to each other like the 3mm, and 3.5mm screws.and some pitches are also very close between the coarse pitches, and the fine pitches. Other folks who may be able to help would be an auto repair shop, machine shop, or tool supplier. I have an Adler patcher , but I don't know if the screw would be the same. Hope this helped, and good luck.
  18. I sent you two small amounts from paypal; both should be donations. One is labeled payment but thats wrong. I hope it do not matter? Thanks for a great site! Trox:You_Rock_Emoticon: src="http://leatherworker.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/You_Rock_Emoticon.gif"> Name: Tor Rougseth (Trox) UserName: Trox IP Address: Email Address: post@1hund.com
  19. Here is the tension spring! Trox
  20. Hell James! Thanks for all help and thanks for your email to! If you see my answer to Shoepatcher, this are not the correct numbers for my machine! I dont have a part list for it and I cant find it anymore in Durkopp Adler or anywhere else. Weaver leather sayes the have a shuttle who will work, but I can not buy from them with out signing a contract that I should buy for more than 500 USD a year from them. I buy most of my stuff here in Norway and with high import tax and VAT it will be a very expensive shuttle. I better buy a new Sewing machine. But I love my old Adler 5-27, the rest of it is like new. I got all extras that I need, speed reducer and speed adjustable motor. I dont want to retire it as an paper weight. Maybe Shoepatcher can help me. Thanks Trox
  21. Thank You Shoepatcher! For helping me with this! I been looking a whole year for this screw! You are right! The class. 5 is the forerunner to class 105. In the meantime, the standardizations of screw thread happened in Europe and it became a metric system. That was the confusing part for me, that’s why it been taking so long to get the right screw. I was looking for a 2, 4 mm. metric screw that do not exist. The Adler 105 uses metric and the screw part #992 00 560 0 measures 2.8 mm on the threads and 14mm long. The one I need measures 0,096 inches (2, 3 almost 2, 4 mm) It has to be a 3/32 screw. Look at the pic`s attached. How do I find out if its 56 or 64 pitch? Is it the amount of treads on an inch? My screw head is worn out, but I manage to fix the screw down tight so I have the amount of tension I need for thick thread. I also need the tension spring new; I compared mine with a Singer 45 K with an open hook. It looks like it will fit my machine!? Thank again for helping me Shoepatcher!
  22. Help a screw is missing! Somebody knows where to get hold of a machine screw with 3/32 tread? (0.09 inches about 2, 36 millimeter) and ½ Inch long or more (I can cut it) I have been looking all over for a very long time for this screw. It is for my old Adler class 5-27, a bobbin tension screw. (I will buy a complete shuttle if I can find one! But I hope to avoid buying a new machine) In advance Thanks! Trox
  23. Help a screw is missing! :brainbleach: Somebody knows where to get hold of a machine screw with 3/32 tread? (0.09 inches about 2, 36 millimeter) and ½ Inch long or more (I can cut it) I have been looking all over for a very long time for this screw. It is for my old Adler class 5-27, a bobbin tension screw. In advance Thanks! Trox
  24. Hello James! I just saw your request and will send what I have on that machine. It Is just a short manual , and a partlist I got from Sieck Iternational Germany. Trox
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