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Status Updates posted by Spinner

  1. Rare earth magnets (good ones) can be very strong. Generally speaking, they are like any other closure, too small and you won't have enough surface area on areas needing a strong bond.

    http://rare-earth-magnets.com/ makes some nice ones I've used before and they have various sizes, shapes and thicknesses. For what you're doing I'd say go with something 1/2" o...

  2. You status totally brought back memories, not sure if you meant it but they way it was worded sparked the memory! Thx!


  3. ...or larger depending on if the design of the bracers will allow it

  4. "Oh tell me Hank, why do ya drink?"...them was the good ole days

  5. 3rd set of side covers down...looking forward to doing the leash order just to do something different!

  6. 4 tank bibs down, 3 to go! my hands are so freaking chapped from working the late nights in a cold shop...lol

    1. Ferg



      You need an old dog curled up at your feet.

    2. Kcinnick


      We have had highs around 70 and lows around 60 all week long.

    3. Bard Skye

      Bard Skye

      Sounds like it's time to invest in a shop heater.

  7. 5 bibs down, 2 to go! Then I can start on Christmas presents for my family...nothing like cutting it close!

  8. 60 degrees and rising...supposed to by 72 on Friday...brrrr! :-)

    1. CitizenKate
    2. Dwight


      Warmin' up here, . . . was 10, now about maybe 14

  9. 80-100 mph winds last night...I thought Chicago was supposed to be the Windy City?! No power for 2-7 days according to power co. ;(

    1. Kcinnick


      I feel your pain. I had extended power outages for Katrina and Gustav.

    2. LNLeather


      That is scary weather... I Just hope "You & your family" are safe & sound... Also hope you have a wood stove & candles. take care!

  10. 82 in Los Angeles today...gorgeous weather, especially for a long weekend...

    1. JRodz


      Rode down to Neptunes Net and the view was great. Looking forward to a long ride this weekend.

    2. Spinner


      Today was an awesome day for a ride...unfortunately I was stuck in the shop for most of it. Hitting the highway tomorrow though, hope the weather is as nice.

  11. A good one for the car/gearhead folks out there...http://kalecoauto.com/

  12. All is not completely lost, I have a back-up from about a week before the crash, however my temp replacement machine is a PC and my dead one is a iMac so gotta borrow the wife's computer to sift through the info, convert formats and then transfer files. Gonna be a PITA but might get all my stuff back if the file conversions work.

  13. Anet - sometimes I like to look at something 2-3 times before commenting and this can take me a few days. Nice work, keep it up.

  14. Anyone know what brand matter/backgrounder is being used on the LW home page oak leaf picture?

    1. King's X

      King's X

      Looks like the 888 matting tool. good luck.

    2. Spinner


      Thanks X, I was afraid of that...looks like Tandy doesn't make it anymore but I can customize the 885 to work. ;)

  15. best source for lift the dot snap sets?

  16. Computer died on Saturday =( Tons of drawings, patterns and emails possibly gone...gotta love technology!

  17. cool deal, that's the best thing is to keep your hands going on the leather...too easy to forget the little things! Hope hubby heals quickly, surgery sucks. Don't forget to post pics when you're done adjusting. As for me, same as usual - busy as a one armed paper hanger. Just posted a big update thread and have more coming soon...

  18. designing a logo for a east coast bike shop...loads of drawing tonight!

    1. clicker


      Sound slike a pretty cool gig!

    2. Spinner


      It would be if the guy weren't so damn picky...lol If the owner wasn't a good acquaintance and possible leather client with good referrals I probably would've fired him by now! ;)

  19. Eye doc says I need glasses...might explain why fine detail sometimes escapes me...

  20. family gifts can end up being the most frustrating 'clients'/gifts...

  21. Finally finished my website...I'm sure it will change as I think of other things but it's a start! http://www.threemuttscustoms.com

    1. jinrui73


      Awesome website Spinner! Thats some excellent innovation with the pocketed side panel wraps and the peg mounted water bottle holder. Excellent leatherworking too. Keep it up!

  22. fingers are going numb...lacing a 12ft long run in triple loop and then 6ft of buckstitch...1/2 way there!

    1. Jim


      Don't be like the guy who tried to swim the Atlantic; he got half way across and decided he couldn't make it and swam back. Keep going!

  23. First true Sheridan tooling on a 3MC tank bib coming up. A big THANKS to King's X for the patternwork!

  24. Found out tonight that necessity truly is the mother of invention...

  25. Free Burnisher set giveaway for Guilds starting up on my new website...tell your guild president to sign up! http://www.LeatherBurnishers.com

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