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Status Updates posted by Spinner

  1. May have a custom job coming up for get this...a Navy aircraft carrier...not the tooling, but where the tooling would be hung. weird.

    1. LNLeather


      WOW, Very cool Chris - when will you find out if you got it? Do you have an idea how big the piece will be? Good luck to you – you deserve the job!

    2. Spinner


      Thanks LNL, we're discussing project particulars and such now. They are looking at a 36" dia. piece. Should know in a week or two but bidding has been tricky as they won't share the budget for it. LOL

  2. New shop space is huge and coming together...now to finish unpacking, assembling and sorting all while working on client projects...woohoo!

  3. now accepting Dwolla payments

    1. Catchndreams


      Me To Dennis from Durango

    2. Catchndreams


      Me To Dennis from Durango

    3. Spinner


      I just started playing with it but the idea of a flat $0.25 fee for any amount is too intriguing!

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  4. Now that I have the nuances figured out...Flickr > Photobucket

  5. One man, 7 tank bibs, 3 gas tanks, 10 days to finish...almost feels like Reality TV!

    1. reddevil76


      sounds like what my boss calls a happy problem!

    2. Techsew Ron
  6. One of my pieces made it into a regional motorcycle mag gallery from the Memorial Day rides...a small step in the right direction! http://kickstandup.smugmug.com/2012Events/05282012-The-Ride-to-Remember/23247987_njBVTn/1874936283_2cNwjn7#!i=1874936283&k=2cNwjn7

  7. Only 26 orders left to fill...it's gonna be a looooong night!

    1. Spinner


      LOL Mike, I wish I could have, it was hard enough just to keep up with weekly orders let alone build inventory! Hehe WB, it's been a long time since I rapped my knuckles and that was on a much more difficult piece...now, catching the wood wrong and breaking a burnisher tip off...that's been slightly more recently. ;)

    2. WinterBear


      ooo, and how much did you swear after doing that?

    3. Spinner


      LOL...not much, I just turned the tip differently and added it to my personal collection. ;)

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  8. Power is 100% back on finally. Time to get the shop rolling again!

    1. Sylvia


      Good for you! One never realizes how

      much we rely on electricity until its

      gone for a week.

    2. Kcinnick


      I know it had to feel good to hear that humm come back. Its amazing how good the sound is in Louisiana during August.

  9. RAWR! New computer is set-up and it rocks!

  10. recieved the black dyed tooling leather from W&C, penetration is approximately 30% front and back, very deep black color. Tools & cuts just as well as the natural. Very happy.

    1. cem


      Thanks for that Spinner, good to know.

  11. That's why I have dual boot on my Mac...stable hardware with both OS worlds =)

  12. That's why I have multiple browsers =) Google (Chrome) is showing LW as being 'clean'

  13. The internet is the worlds biggest filing cabinet and trash can combined into one.

  14. to the biker leather folks out there...side cover tutorial is underway, should have it done next week sometime.

  15. Today had my work recognized by someone on an item I did for a client across the country from me - before they even saw the maker's mark...now that's a good feeling.

    1. whinewine


      That IS a super good feeling!

  16. turning more burnishers tonight...also proved the old addage, if a process ain't broke don't try and fix it...spent 2 hours fixing my 'imrpovements' to the system!

  17. was handed a case for a pair of WWII binocs today and asked to remake it with some modernizing of the hardware...should be interesting! The cool thing is, the original case is still in somewhat decent shape considering it's age.



      I have an M24 case from WWII. It just needs some rivets redone, otherwise in pretty good shape.

  18. Water sucks! It really, really sucks! Gatorade is bettah!

  19. Wednesday, 8/31/2011 marks the last day I'll be doing "turned to order" burnishers. My family needs more of my attention so one of the hobbies has got to go! ;)

    1. Phatdaddy


      It happens, and when it all boils down you've got to look after #1.

    2. LNLeather


      Seems like there is never enough time for everything we want to do - family definitely comes first... BTW - I love mine too! :)

    3. Glock21


      I really like my burnisher thanks chris. Glad I got one!! Family is always numero uno!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  20. wet formed 1 tank bib tonight and completely tooled another...my freaking wrist feels like it's broken now. Fortunately both project are looking sweet.

  21. Woohoo, my bosses gave me some Bday $$ to get myself a Knipschield custom knife...can't wait to try it out!

    1. LNLeather


      Hm hm hm hm hm hm

      Hm hm hm hm hm hm

      Hm hm hm hm Dear Chris

      Hm hm hm hm to you!

    2. BondoBobCustomSaddles


      Don't cut yourself!!Ha Ha

    3. Knipper


      Let me know what you'd like

      and I'll get right on it!

      Happy Birthday!!!


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  22. woohoo! I was worried I'd actually have to work at the day job tomorrow...glad the forum is back runnin'!

  23. woohoo! Beary custom maul is ordered with a nicely figured Amboyna Burl handle! (pays to have a nice collection of exotic wood handy)

    1. LNLeather


      You're gonna love it! Besides being the proud owner of a "Bearman" maul and a Beautiful work of art, it is a Fantastic tool and you will enjoy using it - Every Time you pick it up.....

    2. tat2


      Just got mine From Beary Cobolo and olive I think,Amazing work!

  24. woot! Mother-in-Law bought me a Viking sewing machine today thinking it would be for smaller projects. We were surprised to find out it handles 4oz doubled up like a champ. =)

    1. Bar C Leather

      Bar C Leather

      What model Viking? I need something that handles the smaller stuff and does some fancier stitches.

    2. Spinner


      Bar C - it's a Husqevarna/Viking Emerald 116. Has metal insides 11 or so basic/fancy stitches. So far it has run through double 4 oz and 6 layers of pigskin with no problems with a size 90 needls and 69z thread.

    3. Bar C Leather

      Bar C Leather

      Awesome... .taking note now! Thanks ;o)

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