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About crissy

  • Birthday 12/25/1964

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  • Location
    Los Angeles California
  • Interests
    all things, all people

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    belts cuffs jewelery and custom work
  • Interested in learning about
    designing carving finishing
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  1. if you like this I can make it the size you need and post it back up
  2. try this link http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-alphabet-3d-letters-from-metal-with-rivets-image4946680 also try getting in touch with a corprats gifts supplier they have most of there stuff made in china and can usually get whatever you need made although there will most likely be a minimum.
  3. nice cowboy gear, but especially love the ranch. I miss my horses. I enjoyed looking at your website.
  4. crazy beautiful..... middle pic takes my breath away, I can only imagine what it was like in person.
  5. pondering the pyramids.... it is not the tool it is the creators
  6. sweeet! thank you
  7. hello josh, I like what you have done! I love to wear ponchos and this is similar to that (so it seems) I would love to make myself one, not sure if you were planning to post a pattern I have some deer skin that would drape perfectly. anyway nice job it is beautiful. merry Christmas everybody
  8. greetings, if anyone reading this post has picture reference I would love to see them in a post. I so want to learn the finer art of stitching but just don't have time to take clases as work gets in the way. . thank you for the how to's hope to see the thats thems thank you again crissy
  9. I got the shingles in my early 20s attacked my spine started as a rash on my shoulder blades. soon my back was covered, at the three week mark I could not bend at the waist or turn my torso due to sever pain., very debilitating lasted for two months. doctors can give you pain relief and maybe prescribe medication given to immune deficiency persons but the bottom line is you will feel pain it attacks your nervous system network on different parts of your body and it will end. hopefully the drugs will keep you from scratching as you don't want to aggravate it as it can spread during the time it starts to form blistered hives. and heavy scaring can occur if it gets out of control. there is no cure just try not to scratch and spread it. no need for a doctor except to prescribe pain relief... sorry for your pain but it will be over eventually
  10. I really like this I would have loved to see the how you did it photos. it just looks cool
  11. I meant sting ray lol I was doing too many things at once lol thinkin "ray" typing ell..... I knew it felt weird when I hit post anyway I can't see a way to edit it so hopefully people will look anyway, anyway a good laugh, fire away lol
  12. shoot I meant sting ray.... was in a hurry not thinking lol anyway... got some attention lol
  13. I have a pair of sweet custom made sting ray boots, these are a mens size 6 medium to wide with a nice sharp toe. the pearl is medium to large with the nice jewel as you can see in the photo. what I really want is to trade these for a pair of well made stylish engineer (or similarly styled) boots, womens size 7-7.5, medium to med-wide width. they don't have to be brand new but they do need integrity in craftsmanship. if anyone wants to trade cash I will take $300.00 I paid over $400 the person they were purchased for cannot wear them (darn shame). thank you for looking and hopefully they can/will service some lucky individual and I can have something I will enjoy. crissy
  14. that sure is pretty. I remember you saying that you lined everything you made, so is this lined and did you tool the lining? I really admire your talent. crissy
  15. thank you this is good "simple" news crissy
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