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    East Yorkshire, UK

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  1. Does anyone have a copy of Tandy's half-pint saddle assembly instructions that they'd be willing to share? I've had the kit for some time without getting round to making it, now I want to do it I can't find the instructions! Thanks in advance Dave
  2. I'd love a copy of the patterns. Many thanks. whitebeard.brazier@googlemail.com
  3. Hi Any of you guys still have the assembley instructions available that are willing to share them. Like the earlier posts I have the kit but have managed to lose the assembly instructions - duh! Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance
  4. A really nice piece of carving. Love the design. How big is it?
  5. Thanks for that. The guitar strap was a first and I loved doing it. The guest book was for my dad's wedding (I've now been asked for a matching photo album) and the sporran was for my son to wear to the wedding. Have to admit I was really worried about fitting the sporran together - thought it'd be a real pig to do - but in reality it went like a dream and my son loves it! Dave
  6. Had a busy month through July. Working extra to cover for sickness and trying to find time to create a guitar strap, wedding guest book and a sporran.
  7. Lovely work! Fantastic.
  8. These are fantastic. Great looking bags that fit the bike really well. Love the horses!
  9. Fascinating footage. I have an edge creaser somewhere - always did wonder how it was used!
  10. Just got the news that my card has finally arrived with Twinoaks! Here's a picture! 2nd try to put up pic!
  11. Hi Is there a minimum age limit for someone signing up for the forum? My daughter is 13 (nearly 14) and has been bitten by the "tooling bug". She really loved the idea of the PIF I've just taken part in - and wants to make sure she can take part in the next one that crops up. She also reads over my shoulder everytime she knows I'm online! Cheers Dave (whitebeard) Name: Dave UserName: whitebeard IP Address: Email Address: whitebeard.brazier@tiscali.co.uk
  12. Received this from Tim on Thursday. Thanks Tim!
  13. I started out working for several architects as a draughtsman. Eventually made redundent. I then spent a few years training people to ride motorcycles - again made redundent! Now I work putting together and supplying weather panels to the newspaper industry - we take the raw data from our tame forecasters and make it look pretty! It's not that exciting, nor is it paid well, but I enjoy it!
  14. Sounds like a great idea. Count me in please. Dave
  15. Can't help but admire your work Kate. I've been thinking about trying a backgammon board for a while - but I know it wouldn't be a patch on the ones you turn out. Love the way the antiquing mellows the colours down.
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