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Everything posted by gunter

  1. is there a special bolt or screw to attach the nylon edger from tandy to your dremel or dril? mine keeps "swapping" around

  2. howdy fellow crafters, I'm making myself and my brother and cover for our cellphones in leather. Now I want to past a photograph onto the leather, untill here, no problemo, done it before ;-). but the next step isn't that easy, what kind of varnish should I use on the leather combined with the photograph, that both holds and preserves the picture and the leather? It got my wondering, I think the best way is to use the old fashion leather varnish (fiebing and such). Anyone inhere has any experience with this? cheers, Gunter
  3. dpb, thanks for the send e-mail, your don't know how happy you made me :-)!
  4. thanks for the effort DPB! you rock!
  5. Dear fellow crafters, I got a client that wants a shoulderholster for a Sig p226 and clipholder aswell. I made several shoulderholsters and holsters, gunrigs, etc... but never for a sig, always for old-west re-enacting, where I have the weapons (in my own collection), props or patterns for. I've been browsing the internet and saw lots of "modern" shoulderholsters for this type of weapon, but I don't own this weapon, nor a bleu gun. Ordering a bleu gun and importing it into Belgium, would be asking for trouble, since our laws are so strict ! So, Is there someone inhere that ever made something like this and wants to share his experience or pattern? cheers, Gunter
  6. try ebay, there are some sets around ;-)
  7. DBP, please do share and post that cd ;-), this lady rocks!
  8. indeed, thanks for that pdf Mike, now figuring the scale and bingo!!!!! ;-) send a special thanks to that lady for me from Belgium!!! Maybe a to forward and naughty question, but do you have more of these pattern pdf's, specially on military holsters? like the 1870-1900 holsters or the shoulderholster for the m1911 --> 1940? or maybe the e-mail addy of the dear lady? cheers, GUnter P.S. To all you guys, you all rule!!!!!!!!!
  9. sure I do, here's the copmlete search result ;-) http://www.google.be/search?hl=nl&q=m1911%20military%20holster&psj=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1249&bih=594&wrapid=tlif134225132156610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=UCEBUI30DIK4hAf9mvCQCA#um=1&hl=nl&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=m1911+military+holster+pattern&oq=m1911+military+holster+pattern&gs_l=img.3...2445.6610.0.7070.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=b20601698b50f9dd&biw=1249&bih=594
  10. thanks all!!! I don't own nor can work with any of these programs, am waiting impatiently! LOL, still, I am also going to buy the patternpack made by Will Gorhmley cheers, gunter
  11. gunter


    mrda beetle, do have these patterns to make these hats?? cheers, gunter
  12. dear fellow crafters, browsing allong the internet (google pictures), I came allong the attached picture, I tried to enhance the picture, but it gets all blurry for some reason, maybe I'm not using the right program, or simply the picture resolution isn't good enough. Hopefully one of u (us) can do something with this bleuprint and make it workeable. I've got no idea if it is copyrighted, if it is, I'll take this thread down in an instant. Should u get this bleuprint useable, please share it on the forum ;-). cheers, Gunter
  13. would indeed be a great thing!
  14. thanks for all your replies, I'll will send an e-mail to the museum, maybe they can help. And the picture shown above, yes these are the boots I am looking for! I found the boots I wanted overhere, but they will cost me about $ 500, and for that amount of money I think i can make them myself. The shoemaker around the corner is willing to install the soles, If I make the upper part. SOoooooooooo I thinkit's worth a try, no? should I find a pattern, that has no copyright, I'll share it for sure ;-) cheers, GUnter
  15. same here, please, hosting is indded down. thanks gunter
  16. howdy fellow crafters, I'm looking for a pattern to make myself a pair of cavalryboots for re-enacting purposes, yes I know I can buy them, but I would like to make them myself...... my old boots are totaly "busted" and seeing there age - 100 years old - have served well :-) . the have earned there place under a puppet and a uniform ;-). Is there anyone that ever made this type of boots or can help me in a direction so I can start a long wanted to start project? cheers, Gunter
  17. dear sir, would you send me the patterns by mail too, please? cheers, Gunter
  18. working on a Colt M1911A military type shoulder pattern, hopefully it comes out great.

  19. what was the cost for the making of this templates? cheers, Gunter
  20. gunter

    Guitar Stamp

    try oldmanbob on ebay, he makes magnificant stamps
  21. I would say, try ebay, search for leather patterns or schoe patterns, I know that these patterns sometimes pop-up on ebay. cheers
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