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Everything posted by gunter

  1. yOu guys crack me up, hahahahahahahaha

  2. WOoooooooooooooooow, nice portmanteau, Beeeeeeeeeeautiful!!!!!!!!!! I kinda envy you right now ;-) cheers, Gunter
  3. hey mike, Yes this helps a lot, thanks. Will try to do this this way :-)
  4. thanks, you made my day, was looking for a pattern of this for my pattern collection :-).
  5. updated my topic on the skeleton holster in patternsection ;-)

    1. wildrose


      If you noticed it "missing" briefly, there was some concern over copyright from the article/pic you posted, but I "okayed" it. Hoping Johanna and the other mods are okay with that too.

  6. look, this is what I am talking about, a picture from the packing iron book :-). I would like to know the measurement of the clip and maybe if someone should have it, the patterns or an explanation how to make the pattern, so I can make it my own ;-). SKELETONHOLSTER.pdf
  7. anyone can give me a guide towards a heitzer skeleton holster?

  8. Goose, it's time to buzz the tower

  9. hey fellow crafters, I would like to make myself a skeleton holster as seen in Packing Iron book, but how do I start and does anyone the measurements of the spring? I got a friend who can make me one, but he needs the dimensions, which I don't have. Thans as always for your help, If I could help you with something else, just holler! Cheers, G
  10. I feel the need, the need for........

  11. we were in a inverted negative 4G, I gave him the bird

  12. Take it from me, pneumonia is a big deal, docs been to school to save peeps ;-).

  13. does anyone has got the dimensions of a heitzer clip? that's the clip used on a skeletonholster?

  14. would it be possible to get the pattern aswell??? thanks :-) cheers, GUnter
  15. Italy is a long way from home for me! And I would not mind to run a show like a leathershow, just never been to one, so do'nt really know what a leather contains :-).

  16. Thanx Frank !!!
  17. Why are there no leathershows in europe?Telle me why :-(.

  18. Howdy'all, I would like to make a holster for myself for a change. I just love the skeleton holster shown in packing Iron, the shoulderholster with the clip. I've been looking at the photo for ages now, and now hen I met someone who probably can make me a springclip for this holster, I still don't know how to make this holster or to start drawing this pattern. Finding this clip is killing me aswell, so I hope my friend can make this clip, huh? Any of you guys ever made one and can help me started here? cheers. Gunter.
  19. just got one thing to say , WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! where did you find theidea and pattern? is it historical authentic?
  20. Is this really your first project??? you kidding us, right??? there is only one thing I can say, and that is ....... I am waiting to see your following project:yes: . cheers, G.
  21. woohoo!!!! yeah, back in action, yes yes yes yessssssssss!

  22. Hey, Thanks for your replies fellow crafters, the thing is that I normaly only do Western Americana leather things, like gunbelts and stuff. But since a while people are coming up to me for european mid-evil material aswell, and I must say I like making these historical era too :-). I'm european, so for some reasn I can putt myself and soul into this period, if you know what I mean. I came up onto this pattern pack on ebay, but before bying a certain pattern pack I like to have some info of other crafters onto it. I only work with leather for fun to "escape" the real world and relax, so every penny I spend into my hobby I wish to spend well, as we all wanna do isn't it? Nice Sporran!!! would love to know how you made it !!!!!! thanks for the info and advice !!!! cheers, G.
  23. do you wanna share the pattern? cheers, G.
  24. howdy, fellow crafter, I am looking for the same thing :-S. It seems that dixie gunworks sells them, but can't find them on their site, should you find the clips, keep me informed, will ya? Cheers, Gunter
  25. dear fellow crafters, I am looking for someone who has the patternpack of period patterns, Period patterns #93, it's a pack of patterns on med-evil pouches and med-evil things. Is there onyone who has this pack, that can tell me if this patternpack is wild to get or buy or just to leave it aside? thanks for your input
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