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Everything posted by gunter

  1. if I can find them, I will, thanks ;-)
  2. howdy fellow crafters, I would like a copy of gene nolands, black powder book and leather secrets by fo baird as also ken griffins leather scrap book. Also looking for ideas with leather, from way back in the 70's 80's. I've been travelling ebay and oher sites, but for some reason these books are scares and/or expensive or there's a sniper bidder, lol. Is there someone outhere that has these books on PDF?or can tell me where to find them in pdf. I assume this question is reasonable, though maybe not legal :-S. cheers, Gunter
  3. Phil, I see you're French, where in France are you? are you a re-enactor or western enthusiast? cheers from Belgium. Gunter
  4. suicide, I agree with you
  5. I'll pay you $5 for them, lol, ;-). should you make a find like that with stamps or patterns @ that price you can count me in a buy it for me ;-). I should really come over statesside for some weeks, grrrrrrrrrr $$$$$$$$ , that's what I need.lol
  6. http://blog.papermon...ier%20plain.pdf doens't work boohoo, who cn help me????
  7. Luke, I got that book of All, use it everytime I make a holster, either for making a holster out of the book itself or "remodelling" the holster or getting new ideas :-).
  8. great tutorial and thanks for the pattern ;-)
  9. some have all the luck ;-)
  10. $hobby, what's the name of that book you're talking about?
  11. check ebay, new leather stamps. there a guy who makes then
  12. where can I buy that will pack? what's the price?
  13. fellow crafters, the soles of the navajo mocs or better known as kaibab, normaly and tradinionaly are made from a thick white rawhide. This rawhide is 1 inch to 1 1/2 larger as your foot, when you are makeing a pattern. I find the best way to make these kaibabsole to make little holes on the upperside of the soles before you make them wet and form them. This is I how made them and will continue to make them. I also posted a sort of pattern on how to make them somewhere on the forum. So if you putt out a search for navajo moc or kaibab, you should find the way how to make them ;-). cheers, Gunter
  14. do you own this type of weapon? If you should have a weapon like this, I sure would like to help, it doens't look so difficult to make :-s. pm me , k? cheers , Gunter
  15. waiting, I am waiting for a package from the USA, but the mailmen keep it from me away. boohoohoo

  16. I got mine from a leather shop / tandy dealer
  17. is there going to be a show in 2012? if so, where in the UK? cheers, Gunter
  18. I got an old book press from my parents, and I use it for stamping into leathe, well, not really stamping but pressing, LOL. I do this because I don't have my shop press up and running yet, but I must say, it does the work. The pressure is great and devided all over the press, so I don't see why a bookpress couldn' be use with dies.... maybe I wrong, but I would say, try it, if you got one.... cheers, Gunter
  19. this is the best site, but are there more sites like leatherworker?

    1. buckeroo1


      You are already on the BEST site, but you might try: Leatherpros.net

    2. Luke Hatley

      Luke Hatley

      also try facebook"Leather for the Love of it.

    3. gunter


      thanks my dear friends, and yes this is the best leather site!!!!

  20. Hey dwight, thanks for your reply and input, I know about the fact that some of the holsters have a shim in them and that they can be canted. These type of holsters were made for the Cavalry dept, in the beginning when they were still on horseback, later when they were motorised. I had an original one in my hands coming from a friend (model of 1885). The reason why they putt in the shim or swivel was that these holsters could be easier to be caried while on horseback. I tried to draw the .45 but it isn't easier, it's even more difficult, LOL. Anyway, maybe you're right, they're only $20 on the internet. But I don't know if these airsoft guns fit, but it's a good start and cheaper for him and easier for me (hahaha). Maybe it's time to invest in some premade holsters online and "take' m apart" to make a holsterpattern of them ;-). cheers, Gunter
  21. Luke, thanks for your reply, I have that book, and already made that holster a couple of times. I'm sure I can start with that pattern and make the flap myself. thanks for the advice. cheers, gunter
  22. Chello fella Crafters, For some reason airsofting is very much "in" overhere in Belgium and once and a while someone wants a custommade holster. When it's custom made, it's no problem, 'cause then I have the "designers freedom", I can adapt the holster to the airsoft pistol or gun and start from scratch as as you would do with a normal holster and move on from there. Now, these "airsofters" have themes as the re-enactors do (am a re-enactor myself, lol), now one of the guys wants a holster of an existing holster used by the US army during WWII and Vietnam (see inclosed drawings). I already did a wide search on google and leatherworker ofcour, but coulnd't find a pattern or explination towards a pattern. I already searched the ordinance orders, but there same problem, maybe I searching the wrong place or doing a wrong search. So..... where to start or anyone that has these patterns or advice? thanks Gunter
  23. nicely done!
  24. just received my "US" and "CS" stamps from bunckhouse tools tipton company, can't wait until my press is done next week , woohoo. awesome stamps

    1. LNLeather


      I am a huge fan of http://www.bunkhousetools.com/Home_Page.html Great folks & tools & Really Super Customer Service

    2. gunter


      yes, they are :-). tried the stamps today with an old 1900's bookpress(tablemodel), works well!!! think of ordering more of their products :-)

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