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Everything posted by cowgirlrae

  1. Hello, I think for a first project you did an excellent job, I hope to make saddle bags like you did for my beginning project I'm not sure I'm as brave as you to attempt all that carving and tooling. I love the lacing on the edges. Would you be able to share your pattern and instructions with me? I was thinking I would hand sew whatever I made but I like the lacing better. I'm planning to cover a canteen and I think I could use the same idea of lacing the edges together. My husband knows how to lace but I want to learn myself and show him my efforts. Good for you! Let me know,
  2. ebay has these selling now, one could make a set of patterns from them. I searched saddle purse, there is more too, these are ending soonest saddle purse Charro saddle purse small purse vintage saddle purse
  3. Rawhide Covered Saddle Tree 15 1/2 Inch Seat, Roper Style As Is Where Is..... bid as you see fit Tackshack1 Ebay
  4. You might find Steve HERE Queen Valley Mule Ranch Hope that helps
  5. it is the chicken pox virus that lives in your nerves and THAT is what causes shingles at a later date. yes, Herpes Zoster aka Chicken Pox, reactivated in later life (age, weakened immune system), Voila!, shingles, that can recur in some people......and considering most all adults over the age of 45-50 have had chicken pox, are at risk for shingles later. Some even claim to have never had chicken pox as a child, yet come down with shingles when older, apparently they had a mild case as a child and it probably went unnoticed . Our Dr told us that he recommends ALL his 'mature' patients have the shingles shot, as the likelyhood of 50 years old or better not having chicken pox is rare, why take the chance? For the patients that claim to have never had Chicken Pox he recommends they have a chicken pox vaccine and a shingles vaccine anyway! He is a great Dr. I do hope the pain relieves soon. I know it is a miserable condition
  6. To anyone reading this "GET THE SHINGLES SHOT", yes its expensive, but I guarantee anyone that had/does have a shingles outbreak will tell you they would willingly pay $300 to make it stop. I made my dear hubby get it last week, rite-aid pharamcy will do it, your Dr will write a prescription. The vaccine must have sepcific handling and most Dr offices dont have it in stock because of the specific handling and expense. Our Dear sweet Brother in law was dying with terminal lung cancer and contracted shingles, he was doubly suffeering for the last 3 months of his life....... now that my friends was a miserable time. another friend has permanent neuralgic pain in his foot after shingles attack 5 years ago. And just to make things fun and interesting shingles can return at a later date as the virus lives permenantly in ones nerves.... get the shot! I'm not 'old enough' but when I hit 50, I'll be getting the shot Poor suze, I know about this medicinal oil for coldsores, it works, it might be worth trying for the shingles lesions...... Forces of Nature medicinal oil
  7. Neatsfoot oil on the back/flesh side, assuming the fenders and jockey is topgrain out. Ride, ride and ride some more, the heat and tension help lots. I wouldn't mess with the old broom handle method to get the fenders turned, unless it is wetted and weighted will have little effect. Just placing a stick there wont stress the leather enough to change. Twist leathers
  8. That style and dark oil color was very popular in the mid 70 to mid 80 era, laced rope edge, deep equitation seat, for showing . The conchos look sterling, perhaps if you took one off the back could be marked and give a clue to the saddle maker. The dee ring for the breast collar look stainless but could have been added later as it appears laced on, is the rigging plate stainless? stainless would be most likely the 80's instead of earlier. My guess would be perhaps Victor, Ryon, Billy Cook or Billy Royal or similar as they were popular makers for the showing crowd. There should be a serial number somewhere, check inside and out of the stirrup leathers and under the front jockey. That looks like it could clean up real nice and still be of value to the arab and morgan crowd that still show in the dark oil and fancy lacing. The conchos alone are worth a good bit. I spent many many years showing and this is definately from that era.
  9. Very pretty, you made a tandy kit look worthwhile. I really like the lacing too. Take care and get well soon.
  10. I have used 'rub 'n buff silver leaf paste. This stuff is amazing, it is very concentrated and "tiny" bit goes a long way. I used it on wood to create the look of solid metal. And on a pair of shoes to make a leather covered buckle look "silver". It can be applied to any surface, I learned to apply it sparingly and not buff. Once it dries it can be waxed over and should hold up well. Get it at a craft store in the paint and finish section, metal leaf and applied faux finishes. its rather cheap and may be worth a try. May give a silver finish to the leather than may mimic metal. Rub 'n Buff - Silver Leaf
  11. There is no shame in a nightlatch, personally I tie mine on with rope on my right side swell (yes, I like purple), I ride a slick fork wade. Being able to get a low grip and brace your elbow against your hip makes for more security and stability. Keep the left hand free to turn the horse. There is no way to grab a wide dally horn even if you wanted to. Tie it like this, the rope is handy for a spare hobble or emergency use. I have seen fancy leather ones with a sewed and riveted handle, but a double and stitched strap with a heavy stout buckle is fine, think super heavy dog collar, you want to be able to just slide your hand under the strap, too loose means not enough security and sloppy, too tight is hard to grab. ETA, do not expect this to break away should a hang up occur!......a breakaway design completely negates any use of a strap to hold you on. All advice given is purely the opinion of this poster, your mileage may vary.
  12. Vintage Monroe Veach Saddle Broken Tree, Repair Project Complete with New Tree
  13. Thank you so much for sharing, I'll be printing and keeping these instructions. I hope to have a set of bags to share in the future featuring your slick closures.
  14. UKray,. love the name Those fasteners look like the sort of thing used on canvas boat tops. I had something similar on the curtains of a horsetrailer once. Like a snap on a post that opens with a tug. This is a US supplier , but you can probably have them shipped in.
  15. Hi westexas, can you show the inside and back of the nifty ring and strap closure you have on the bag. I was thinking that would be a really slick way to close some horse saddle bags I'm drafting. I cant visualize the necessary attachment. thanks
  16. Hi, I'm new here and interested in horse related projects and repair. I have lots of experience in making necessary repairs on tack and saddles, restitching and refleecing saddle etc., and the odd project made out of necessity. I'm especially interested now in making saddle bags and a covered canteen. Also working out some details on a pair or 2 of chinks or armitas. I've never made a new project from scratch but I'd like to. I'm very impressed with the skill I see here and have already met a few members. Thanks.
  17. Ebay listing 3 days only This belongs to a friend of mine, if anyone is interested please contact her thru the listing. Thanks so much I'm so impressed by the base of knowledge and the skills shown at this board. Wow!
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