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Everything posted by Bevan

  1. Bevan

    Braiding Books

    Well I have a few books, Ron Edwards , Grants , and GH bosal 1 and 2 , now for those of you that have the bosal 2 book, i ask you to follow the destructions and see if you can do the 8 bight heel knot , keep an eye on the book , remember you have bought this book to learn !!!!! page 31 should slow you down a tad. I look forward to the comments back on this one!! I also am waiting on 3 Tom Hall books to arrive so i am happy i have come across this post , very interesting !! Cheers for now Bevan
  2. Well Bob you have nailed it , that is one AWSOME saddle, what were the hrs spent on this lovely master piece ???? thanks for posting your work, Cheers Bevan.
  3. Is that your son in the second picture? Storm Its not all farts and giggles down here but we all need time out to unwind and this is how i spend my spare time , Storm yeah mate thats my son Dan, he is good value, not scared to get in there and get the job done. Cheers for now hope to post more soon if ya not getting sick of them !! Bevan
  4. Gday folks i know this is not leather work but i still would like to show off my last craying trip, these are murray crays , yep same river the cod came from!! Storm you will notice there are some painted crays, i caught them on my last Darwin trip, mmmmmmmm nice !!!!!!! i will have to find the pics of some mud crabs we speared while i was up there ,they could crush a beer can drink the contents & chase the boundary rider !!
  5. You are a natrual mate , fair dinkum !!! you sure ya not aussie ?? Cheers for now, i will send some pics of some yabbies and crays when i go next time. Bevan
  6. that is meant to be 100mm x 50mm

  7. Gday mate

    i see you are a june 16th baby too, i will have to have a drink and cheers to you on the day,

    4x2 is quicker to write than 10cm x 2cm or 100cm x 50cm plus you guys in america understand that lingo better, lol

    thanks for the comment and looking at my post.

    Cheers mate


  8. Bevan

    Whips & Bosal

    Thanks for having a look at my site Leatheroo, a piece of 4x2 or a cattle prod normaly works wonders down our way , maybe you could get ya hands on one of them !!!! Storm thanks for the kind works and trying to pursuade Leatheroo to use one of my whips, you are a good man !!! lol Mike , thanks for your kind words too mate.
  9. Bevan

    Whips & Bosal

    Well said mate you explained it well. Cheers from down under Bevan.
  10. Bevan

    Whips & Bosal

    An intermediate-level rawhide bosal on leather headstall, showing attached mecate of synthetic rope. No fiador. Bosals come in varying diameters and weights, allowing a more skilled horse to "graduate" into ever lighter equipment. Once a young horse is solidly trained with a bosal, a bit is added and the horse is gradually shifted from the hackamore to a bit. I hope that helps you understand the bosal a bit better, how ever, i know a lot of people over here that are wanting to use a bosal instead of a bit. Cheers Bevan
  11. Bevan

    Whips & Bosal

    Here are a few whips i have made for a young bloke just down the road , they are 4'6" brandy and whisky 12 plait loaded , matching pair opposing colours. Bosal is a 5/8, 16 plait roo with a rawhide core, 32 nose button & a 8 bight interweave heel knot , whisky and natural.
  12. Very nice mate , Nelson is a very very lucky boy!!!!
  13. Gday mate , i have a book of Ron Edwards how to make whips and he has a 12plait birds eye , then there is a egyptian eye which is like ya birds eye but , another square on the outside , try and google it , if ya have no luck i could draw it up then send you the passes , there are two ways to do it , spiral method or alternate strand method. Cheers from down under. PS thats is a round plait you are looking for ????
  14. Gday Kate, Leather worker net is what it is because of people like you working ya butts off to make it soooo good, thanks for your many hrs spent making it what it is today Cheers from down under Bevan
  15. Hi there Entiendo i have been in touch with Gail and she is going to fix a page in her bosal 2 book , was just a matter of missing picture and a pass of o1, u1, easely done !! and i suppose she does not have to read the book to do the knot so didnt pick it up , Once we know about splitting parallels and what it should look like it makes it so much easier !! Cheers Bevan
  16. but isn't a heal knot a bosel knot, or are there ther uses The heel is the possie on the bottom end of the bosal ,,, the knot that i put on the heel is an 8 bight turkshead , a popular 1 is a six bight turks head , so i suppose the heel is not the knot but the turks head is , and yes ,,, size does matter , lol , when it comes to bosals oops sorry ,, some one else can have a go now
  17. Yoy could always'; use a diffrent colour and do" another interweave , dependeng on your knot size and string size , its all about size ya know mate , lol , Cheers big ears Bevo
  18. Mate i just spent shitloads of time working out a knot ,,, yes it was a heel knot on a bosal ,, 8 bight interweave , what size is ya knot? , what size are ya strings? and how many bights ???? Cheers for down under Bevan
  19. I would be happy to share any of the process in words though. Gday Jackie, i have just made my first Bosal and i am looking for a nice plaited headstall , well i do not think i will find a better one than yours , bloody awesome so if you would like to share details of lenghts and knots that would be cool with a capital C Cheers from down under Bevan
  20. all bullshit aside ,,, roo is as tuff as , and duable and as soft as a babies you know what , like Hilly said bevelle it and roll it , and it is as smooth as I all so grease my strings with a home made plaiters soap which helps them pull tight with ease and softens them at the same time ,,, win win
  21. Hi Shelly,

    just looked at your web site , you have some very awesome leather work coming out of your shop ,,, NICE

  22. Hi Shelly, now need to be sorry i understand you have a heavy workload and time does not pemit at the moment, i look foward to seeing them when you post them in the future Cheers from down under Bevan
  23. Gday Shelly i am finding it a bit hard to picture , do you think ya could post a few pics of the way you do it please Thanking you in advance Bevan
  24. Thats ok Mike , like i said allz well that endz well, I have been intouch with the people that done the book and they are going to fix it so others dont have the same prob and the braiding section will be my choice to post from now on. Cheers for mate Bevan
  25. Its ok folks i worked it out , after 3 nights of staying up untill 3am 11:30ish and 1 am, i got sick up and feed, so i read all i could about splitting parallelsuntill i understood , then i thru the book away and tried doing it by looking at what i was doing and not the book all the time , and yep i was right , the book has a hickup, allz well that endz well , i will post some pics when the Boss gets back from Melb late Jan Cheers for now on this lovely hot day Bevan
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